August 13, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Imagine my surprise.
Neocons are breaking out the champagne to celebrate the removal of Alex Jones from social media.
Goodbye, Alex, and good riddance. @JVLast pulls no punches.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) August 8, 2018
Jonathan Last, the editor of The Weekly Standard digital edition, after defending the removal of Jones, made an interesting comment:
The conservative view isn’t just that communities have the right to create standards—we have always believed that there is wisdom and virtue in doing so. If we didn’t, then we’d be libertarians.
Poor ill-educated fool. Libertarianism is all about ethical standards—primarily the ethic that one individual (or the state) doesn’t have the right to use physical violence against another individual or a group of individuals.
Neocons don’t subscribe to this. In fact, they believe violence is the preferred tool for dealing with stubborn and recalcitrant foreign leaders and regimes that reject the neoliberal economic order.
The cost for imposing this order—cheered on by Kristol and his co-conspirators—cost a million and a half human lives. Bill and his post-Trotskyite comrades declared this as a victory and urged the same treatment for Iran, Libya (mission accomplished), Syria (500,000 dead), Afghanistan (it is reported Trump is looking for a way out), and much of Africa where murderous Saudi Wahhabi inspired terrorists kill hundreds, including school children.
Imagine the shoe on the other foot. If Bill and his comrades were ejected from social media there would be a loud hue and cry—and, of course, the accusation that social media is run by antisemites.
Back in 2003 as the above mentioned invasion was unfolding journalist Jim Lobe wrote about the neocons and their spiritual leader, Leo Strauss. “Strauss is a popular figure among the neoconservatives. Adherents of his ideas include prominent figures both within and outside the administration. They include ‘Weekly Standard’ editor William Kristol,” Lobe wrote.
He cites Shadia Drury who at the time taught politics at the University of Calgary. According to Drury Strauss believed that “those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right—the right of the superior to rule over the inferior.”
Strauss and the neocons believe religion is a tool used to placate the masses. “Strauss viewed religion as absolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses who otherwise would be out of control,” Lobe writes.
Imposing moral law—sort of like the imams in Iran.
Or the Taliban.
“The people are told what they need to know and no more,” says Strauss analyst Robert Locke. Drury writes (Leo Strauss and the American Right, St. Martin’s 1999) that the Straussian neocons believe that without their political deception and lies the nation will fall into “anarchy” and nihilism.
Unlike the widely excoriated libertarians, the neocons have a friend in Thomas Hobbes. He believed human beings could only be restrained by a powerful nationalistic state. “Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has to be governed,” Hobbes wrote. “Such governance can only be established, however, when men are united—and they can only be united against other people.”
“Perpetual war, not perpetual peace, is what Straussians believe in,” writes Drury, which naturally leads to an “aggressive, belligerent foreign policy.”
Neocons “really have no use for liberalism and democracy, but they’re conquering the world in the name of liberalism and democracy,” Drury told Lobe.
The Straussian philosophy has no tolerance for guys like Alex Jones. In its universe of funhouse mirrors distorting reality there is no room for serious opposition.
It is quite natural for Bill Kristol and the neocons to celebrate scrubbing Alex Jones and libertarians from social media (although Jones is not a libertarian—his lawyer describes him as a performance artist).
More celebration is likely as the social media giants take orders from the state to memory hole the opposition.
Kurt Nimmo is the editor of Another Day in the Empire, where this article first appeared. He is the former lead editor and writer of Donate to ADE Here.