North Carolina High School Teacher: VP Mike Pence Should be “Shot in the Head”

September 29, 2019 in News by RBN Staff


A North Carolina teacher has become the target of a Secret Service investigation after telling some of their students that Vice President Mike Pence should be “shot in the head.”

The teacher, who works at Cuthbertson High School in Union County, hasn’t been named by school officials. But they’ve been placed under official investigation for their comments.

Vice President Pence had been in the area to campaign for congressional candidate Dan Bishop, who has since triumphed in a contentious special election against a Democrat.

The remarks were brought to the attention of the Union County Sheriff’s Department, who got in touch with the Secret Service shortly after. It’s unclear if the teacher has been either suspended or fired from his or her duties.

America’s public school system continues to be frequently utilized as a radicalization program for leftist ideologues to instill leftist views in their students. However, the youngest generation of Americans is said to be fighting back against the indoctrination- Generation Z, the oldest of whom are 23, have been said to be more conservative than previous generations such as the Millennials.

It goes without saying that a teacher who calls for the Vice President of the United States to be shot in the head should be fired from their position. America’s high schools should instruct students in patriotism, as opposed to Taliban-style indoctrination that calls for violence against conservative and nationalist public officials.

Big League Politics will continue to monitor the situation, and will update accordingly when Union County school administrators publish the teacher’s identity.