Oregon Sheriffs testify, they will NOT enforce new gun-grabbing law! (Video)
April 26, 2015 in News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: Saving Our Future
by Tami Jackson on April 24, 2015
My friend, Michael Strickland, a conservative citizen journalist here in Oregon whose videos can be seen at Laughing at Liberals and whose writing can be seen at Gateway Pundit, captured some great testimony yesterday in Salem.
The State House of Representatives was debating Senate Bill 941, which in summary:
Outlaws private transfers of personal property, expands gun registry and police gun owner list, requires gun owners to ask permission from Oregon State Police before giving guns to others, forces every transfer to be subject to failed “background check” system.
Michael captured some great testimony from Oregon Sheriffs at the hearing, which took place Thursday, 22 April 15, from 1PM – 10PM.
Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer
Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin
Yamhill County Sheriff Tim Svenson
Other Oregon Sheriffs have written open letters to the legislators stating their opposition to SB941 and their intent to not enforce the heinous law.
Crook County Sheriff Jim Hensley:
image: http://savingourfutur.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Hensley-Letter.jpg
Columbia County Sheriff Jeff Dickerson:
We’ll see what happens next. The opposition to this bill is overwhelming throughout the state: lawful citizens who own guns for a variety of reasons are not the problem.
Criminals are the problem and a gun registration masquerading as a “Gun Safety Bill” will not solve that problem. Lawbreakers are called such for a reason, and a multitude of new laws will not compel them to suddenly obey.
What can make Oregon citizens safer is more guns in the hands of good and well-trained Oregonians.
In the words of Gunsite Founder and Marine LtCol Jeff Cooper:
“If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim.”
We the people of Oregon don’t intend to have our Second Amendment rights infringed — we have the Constitution on our side.
And thankfully we have the great Oregon Sheriffs, by and large, on our side.
Read more at http://savingourfuture.com/2015/04/oregon-sheriffs-testify-they-will-not-enforce-new-gun-grabbing-law-video/