Parents Are Told To “Stand Down” As Vulgar Sexual Acts Taught In The Classroom
May 9, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
Leftist teachers have continued to push their pro-LGBT agenda onto students, and it’s worse than ever before.
Angry parents have often chosen to opt their children out of the “sex ed” classes, which regularly teach vulgarity and promiscuity to students.
But one school took extreme measures to overrule parents, and you won’t believe what they did.
Mommy Underground has continued to report on the gross abuse of teachers forcing their pro-LGBT lessons onto students.
Kindergartners were forced to sit through a “transition” ceremony.
Other teachers were chastised for using gender pronouns when referring to their students.
And as Mommy Underground previously reported, one mom had enough and even organized a “Sex Ed Sit Out”.
But one school has pushed the envelope and is teaching students everything from abortion and how to be sexually active and still keep one’s “virginity.”
LifeSite News reported:
“California enacted the California Healthy Youth Act in 2015, but only now are its controversial provisions starting to take effect in classrooms.
Under the auspices of health, the law says it will equip students to develop “healthy attitudes” on “gender [and] sexual orientation,” among other things.
It also says it will inform students about the “effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods,” and facilitate “objective discussion” about “parenting, adoption, and abortion.”
RedState contributor Kira Davis, a resident of Orange County, California, warns that among the teaching materials approved for use under this law are a study guide for the transgender children’s book I Am Jazz, as well as a “sexual health toolkit.
This “toolkit,” funded in part by the George Soros-connected Tides Center, offers kids tips on using sex toys and anal lubricant. It defines “anal intercourse,” “phone sex,” and more as “common sexual behaviors.”
And the worst part is, parents are forbidden to opt their children out.
This means, even if parents object to what is being taught to their children, they are not allowed to shield their children from the “sex ed” lesson.
Yet again, children are thrown into the middle of a raging culture war.
Parents should have every right to protect their children from a false “sex ed” curriculum.
But according to California, school officials believe leftist teachers should trump parental rights.
LifeSite News continued:
“Davis notes that the California Healthy Youth Act expressly protects parents’ rights to “excuse their children from participation” in sex education courses without penalty of any kind, because “parents and guardians have the ultimate responsibility for imparting values regarding human sexuality to their children.”
The Orange County school district apparently interprets this differently.
In a memo dated March 29 to the Orange County Board of Education, Orange County Department of Education general counsel Ronald Wenkart says that the law’s opt-out provision “does not apply to instruction, materials, or programming that discusses gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, relationships, or family and does not discuss human reproductive organs.”
Leftist teachers need to remember one critical thing – parents are in charge of children, not teachers.
To teach such vulgar acts to children is shameful. And to tell parents their children have to sit through the lesson is even worse.
What are your thoughts on California teaching about promiscuity and abortions to children?
Do you think parents should have the right to pull their children out of “sex ed” classes?
Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.
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