Parents enraged after Saskatchewan school features perverse presentation by Planned Parenthood

June 28, 2023 in News by RBN Staff


Source: Rebel News

The inappropriate presentation prompted the education minister to immediately issue a review of the ministry’s sexual education curriculum.



Ninth graders in Saskatchewan were presented graphic and inappropriate content by Planned Parenthood in a school presentation this past week.

In a book provided by abortion aficionados from Planned Parenthood Regina, students were exposed to grotesquely perverse sexual acts.

The “Sexual Alphabet” describes H as “HALF AND HALF” to the Lumsden High School students.

“When someone sucks your dick, and then your ass. It’s nice to split the attention 50/50. That way your butt won’t get some sort of inferiority complex. If you like eating butt, you might like to consider getting a hepatis A & B vaccination from your local clinic.”

The book prompted ninth graders to find fetish pornography under the letter “X.”

“There’s something for everyone. Whether you’re into bondage, cake batter, or guys dressed up like ponies – there’s plenty of porn out there. All you have to do is find it!”

Saskatchewan’s Education Minister Dustin Duncan immediately ordered a review of the province’s sexual education curriculum, calling on school boards to temporarily suspend further presentations with Planned Parenthood.

While this temporary measure is a step in the right direction, he failed to apologize to students and parents for this government’s inability to protect students from such graphic and inappropriate material,” a press release from Saskatchewan United reads.

A British Columbia school apologized to parents earlier this year after inappropriate and highly sexual materials were given to students by a public health nurse.

The increasing sexualization of children at public schools has prompted protests across the country as parents equate the ideological perversion to grooming.

Yet the response from various school boards all across the country has been to silence and denounce anyone who questions the proliferation of sexual deviance in schools as hateful bigots, only to be reinforced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reckless rhetoric.