Patriot Honor Roll

September 28, 2020 in News by RBN Staff

source:  deliberatedumbingdown

Charlotte T. Iserbyt has compiled a list of patriots, from many walks of life and professions, many of whom have passed on, and those still with us, all of whom she feels deserve recognition for their efforts in educating the public on the preservation of the United States Constitution and The Republic for which it stands. Educators are noted by an asterisk *.

We would like to mention several thousand patriot Americans who funded National Citizens Alliance full-page advertisement in Washington Times which called for/supported cancellation of 1985 United States-Soviet Union (Reagan/Gorbachev) education, cultural, and everything else agreements.

This page is a work in progress. We hope to add links to each of the names, so that you might further explore the work of these patriots. If you feel there is a name missing from these lists, a misplaced name, or you would like your name removed, please email


William L. Eagleton, U.S. Ambassador, Near Eastern Affairs
Richard B. Parker, U.S. Ambassador, Near Eastern Affairs
Edward L. Waggoner, U.S. Ambassador, Near Eastern Affairs
Douglas MacArthur II, U.S. Ambassador to Belgium
Richard T. Davies, U.S. Ambassador to Poland

Those who are no longer with us:

Congressman John Ashbrook
JoAnn Abrigg
Dr. Lewis Albert Alesen
Gary Allen (None Dare Call it Conspiracy)
Dr. Cavell Bean* (School Board Chairman, CA & author of “River of Pollution”)
Don Bell
Neale Bishop, Legislator, Maine
Samuel Blumenfeld*
William J. Braun, Sr.
Lt. Commander Michael Bruce, WWII Vet
Marilyn Boyer
Bessie Burchett
O. Jerome (Jed) Brown*
Bessie Burchett* (“Education for Destruction” 1941)
Extraordinary and courageous self-published exposé of how communists infiltrated public education in the nineteen thirties and forties written in 1941 by Bessie Burchett, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, S. Philadelphia Public School for Girls. This is an absolutely fascinating book which, if possible, rivals that of Major George Racey Jordan, also included on this website. Burchett even includes a photo of poster on a classroom wall with USSR printed on it. She goes into great detail regarding the beginning of sex education, the questioning of right and wrong by students, the anti-American bias in the curriculum. She, of course, suffered the wrath of the radicals up against whom she went. A must read for everyone, but for teachers especially!

Sylvester Cain*, U.S. Dept. of Ed
Frank Capell, (author “Kissinger…Soviet Agent”)
Erica Carle
Whitaker Chambers (“Witness” – outing Alger Hiss)
James Clavell (“The Children’s Story”)
Paul Colebrook (Cleveland Plain Dealer journalist)
Shirley Correll
Phoebe Courtney
Richard Davies, Ambassador to Poland
Dorothy Dawson, Maryland, assistant to Supt. Schools, Montgomery County, Maryland who had access to, and ultimately exposed Community-Centered Schools: The Blueprint, Montgomery County, 1946.
Bettina Dobbs*
Bella Dodd (“School of Darkness”, Communist Party Defector)
Norman Dodd
Delores Feak
Ruth Feld
Paul Findley
Ann Frazier
Mel and Norma Gabler
William Gill (Author, Bookshop Owner)
Dr. Igor Glagolev, Soviet Defector
Kenneth Goff (Author, “The Soviet Art of Brainwashing A Synthesis”)
Oleg Golieniewski (son of Russian Tsar)
Carol Griffin
Peggy Grimes
Rosalind Haley
Thelma Ham* [Note: She is public school master teacher who taught in USA and abroad, and approved of Iserbyt’s work on the School Board and paid $100 (1976 dollars) for her to go to in-service Change Agent training, which opened Iserbyt’s eyes. It was during that training (change agent used Havelock’s Innovations in Education, A Change Agent’s Guide ) that Iserbyt was instructed in “how to identify the resisters in community; resisters to all the rot” and how to get them on board. She is probably the most important person in the “education of Charlotte” in the “miseducation of America”.]
Maureen Heaton
Mary Jo Heiland
Kenny Hignite (A+ on 1953 California public school history test on U.S. Constitution! Before history wiped from U.S. public school curriculum)
Anthony J. Hilder
Jo Hindman
Congressman Henry Hyde
Eleanor Howe
Jan Iserbyt
Major George Racey Jordan, author of “Major Jordan’s Diaries”, expose of U.S. aid to the Soviet Union during WWII
Mary Larkin
Malcolm Lawrence, husband of Jacqueline Lawrence; foreign service officer, U.S. Dept. of State, speaker and writer regarding anti-American activities taking place, especially in Montgomery County, MD, schools in the sixties and seventies.
Bettye and Kirk Lewis*
Marlin Maddoux
Gene Malone*
Don Mantooth
Beverly Mayfield
Virginia Meves, The Wisconsin Report
Betty Mills, Indiana
Stanley Monteith
Janelle Moon
Opal Moore (Why Johnny Can’t Learn)
Robert J. Morris
O. A. Nelson*
Otto F. Otepka (State Dept)
Jean Patton
Walter Pew
Robert Pletka
Ray Powell*, Ph.D. Superintendent, South St. Paul, Minnesota Public Schools, PH.D., OF SOUTH spoke out regarding values clarification and sensitivity training in 1975, saying, “It’s all brainwashing!”
Max Rafferty, State Superintendent of Schools, California
Frances Riley
Joyce Riley
Col. Arch Roberts
Luane Robson
George Roche
Edith Kermit Roosevelt
Dr. Mary Royer (Psychologist)
Elizabth Russinoff
Aaron Russo, (“Mad as Hell”)
Bernadine Smith
Dan Smoot
Jane Stallings
Alan Stang
John Steinbacher (Author “The Child Seducers”)
Cardinal Alfonse Stickler
Lawrence Sturtevant, Maine
Antony Sutton
Richard Sweeney
James Townsend* (National Educator and S.California crowd)
Maxine Tremaine
Elizabeth Trotto
James Tucker
Harry Vandermeersch
Joan Veon
Kurt Vonnegut (“Harrison Bergeron” film originally banned in USA)
Georgiana Warner
Geri Wenta
Hon. John T. Wood (Idaho)
Sen. Edward Zorinski (Nebraska)

And those who are still with us:

Jane Aitken* (former teacher, writer, researcher, our webmaster, activist)
Arthur Andrews, HS Principal, Maine
Gary Arnold
Rosie Avila
Virginia Birt Baker
Polly Ball*
Edward Balejewski
Michael Bennis, (Officer/patrolman, Portland, Maine)
Svitlana Bilan
Janet Blazen
Karen Bracken
Stephen Broady, Activist, Ohio
Daniel Brigman, The Power Hour
Robert Burke (CA Assemblyman)
Christine Burns
A.J. Cameron
Bill Carlson
Dr. Jamien Carter, Maine Medical neurosurgeon
Congressman John Conlan, Arizona, who lead successful effort to defund controversial federally-funded MACOS program: Man: A Course of Study, which taught American students regarding practices of obscure Eskimo tribe which, amongst other atrocities, discussed ritual of putting
elderly relatives out on ice to die. Conlan’s opposition and that of activist parents succeeded in removing this program from public schools of USA.
Barbara Cueter
Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D*
Peggy Cuddy, mother of Dennis Cuddy, who discovered, in the 1980s, major federally-funded NC grant to control American families, and stopped it, temporarily, in its tracks.
Barbara Cueter
Edward Curran*, former Director, National Institute of Education, U.S. Dept. of Education,
headmaster of Cathedral School of Girls, fired by Secretary of Education, T.H. Bell for recommending his office, the NIE be abolished.
Trine Day
Vicky Davis
Michael Davies, Catholic author
Carol Denton
Michael Doiron, HS Principal, Maine
Aaron Dykes, Independent Journalist
Janet Egan
Phil Esposito
Diana Fessler
Melanie Fields
Kathie Finnegan (“Goals 2000 Restructuring Our Schools”)
Kim Fletter
Terry Forthum* Kentucky
Betty Freauf
Kevin Gallagher (Talk Show Host)
Jeannie Georges
Dean Goettcher
Robert Goldsborough
Dean W. Goodale (Sgt. Detective, Portland, Maine)
Eugenie Gray
Lawrence P. Grayson*
Joan Gubbins
Karen Hayes
Tracey Hayes
Mary Jo Heiland, Kansas
Dorothy Hesse
Ann Herzer*
Anita Hoge
Patrick Huff*
Halyn Hughes
Publius Huldah, national leader opposing Constitutional Convention
Samuel Iserbyt
Michael Jacques
Gordon Jones* (Under Secy, Dept. of Ed under Reagan)
Diane Kepus
Berit Kjos, Author
Jake Klyczek* (“School World Order”)
Rosa Koire
Barbara McFarlin Kosiec, Ph.D.*
Betsy Kraus
Dottie LaFortune
Monica Lanza
Jacqueline Lawrence
Wilma Leftwich, Oklahoma
Gloria Lentz, “Raping Our Children”
Colin Leslie
Sarah Leslie
Linda Liotta
Joanne Lisac
Jo Ludwig
Billy Lyon
Joan Masters
Nancy Maze
Joanne McAuley
Ellen McClay, Author
Marcia McKee
Billy Miller, N.H. veteran of Gulf War I, 82nd Airborne.
Kris Milligan
Suzie Mills
Miracle Workers, Louisiana
Barbara Morris
Mike Murphy
Prof. Felipe Nery, Brazil
Bonnie Newhouse
Alex Newman
Mary Nicholas
Debra Niwa
Susan W. O’Donnell
Todd Oppenheimer (Atlantic Monthly)
Chris Patterson
Pastor James Patrick* (Christian School, Moline, IL)
Joel Pett (Cartoonist)
The Plumber (Oregon)
Eddie Price*
Pastor Butch Paugh, Author of “Words of Wisdom and Instruction from God’s Word”
Steve Rea, Ohio
Judith Reisman
Jeff Rense*
Paul Reynolds, Editor, Bangor Daily News
Fran Rice
Laura Rogers
Steve Schran*
Russell Scott
Chris Shardelman
Chey Simonton
Carl Sims, Namaste Publishing, UK
Brian Smith
Marie Smith
Martha Spalding
Jake Speed
John Stadtmiller, Republic Broadcasting
Debbie Stevens
Kenneth Stewart
Rose Stewart
Tommi Taylor* Arizona (She and Ann Herzer, teacher, delivered Arizona Federation of Teachers unanimous resolution opposing federal funding of Skinnerian mastery learning programs to Annual Meeting of AFT at which Al Shanker, President, AFT, presided. Shanker tabled it so it never saw the light of day.)
Mary Thompson
James P. Toll
Michele Truman
Patricia Truman
Marion Tucker, Honneycut, Maine
Dr. Ken Williams
Wolfgang von Eitzen
Cyntha Weatherly
John B. Wells, Caravan to Midnight
Lori Weston (Nebraska)
Wayne Wolfe
Jill Wilson
Phil Worts (San Diego Police Dept.)

Authors: Gary Allen, Catherine Palfrey Baldwin, Don Bell, Samuel Blumenfeld, Frank Capell, Erica Carle, Phoebe Courtney, Maureen Heaton, Jo Hindman, Major George Racey Jordan, Rosa Koire, Paoli Lionni, Rose Martin, Augustin Rudd, Alan Stang, Kent Steffgen, Antony Sutton, James Tucker, Joan Veon, Alison Weir.

Have you ever heard of any of these late great researchers/writers/activists in the mainstream media? A JoAnn Abrigg, Cong. John Ashbrook, Don Bell, Marilyn Boyer, O. Jerome (Jed) Brown, Shirley Correll, Bettina Dobbs, Norman Dodd, Ruth Feld, Ann Frazier, Rosalind Haley, Maureen Heaton, Jo Hindman, Mary Larkin, Betty Lewis, Gene Malone, Robert Morris, Arch Roberts, Elisabeth Russinoff, Antony Sutton, James Townsend, and Joan Veon.

To clarify the problem with ‘choice’:

Excerpt from Don Bell Report (Ginny Baker Texas contribution): “The Interagency Day Care Standards,”, 1971, states that “Any agency, public or private, which receives federal funds directly or indirectly through a grant or contract… or by way of a voucher plan” must meet all program requirements (ed) that are set down for public schools. Acceptance of Federal funds is an agreement to abide by the requirements.

Then, in 1981 the American Legislative Exchange Council, formed by Paul Weyrich (“We are radicals who want to change the existing power structure. We are not conservatives…”), mailed to 16,000 state and federal officials and legislators, a suggested educational voucher. Thomas A. Shannon, Executive Director of the National School Boards Association, said, “Tuition Tax credits for private schools profoundly change the character of private education. Private schools that operate with public money will be subject to public regulations.”