Paul Ryan Challenger: Who Is He To Lecture Anybody About Conservatism?; “Champion Enabler” For Obama-Clinton Agenda

May 12, 2016 in News, Video by RBN Staff

via: Real Clear Politics

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Paul Ryan’s challenger Paul Nehlen ripped the House Speaker for not backing presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and instead “lecturing” people to unite behind conservatism. Nehlen, phoning in to MSNBC this afternoon, called Ryan the “champion enabler” for President Obama’s agenda and said the Speaker is “uniting” with Obama and Hillary Clinton. Sarah Palin endorsed Nehlen and told CNN she will work to oust Ryan in the primary.

“Who is Paul Ryan to lecture anybody about uniting around conservatism?” Nehlen asked on MSNBC. “If you look at President Obama’s top three policy initiatives — comprehensive immigration reform, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, as I mentioned in my video there, and criminal justice reform, Paul Ryan is the champion enabler of those.”

“He’s uniting with Hillary Clinton’s State Department around the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Paul Ryan’s uniting with Barack Obama on comprehensive immigration reform and criminal justice reform. It’s not surprising,” Nehlen said Tuesday afternoon.

“I’m honored to have Governor Palin’s endorsement,” Nehlen said. “We’re building a broad coalition. Wisconsin’s First District is suffering under Paul Ryan’s lack of votes on behalf of Wisconsin’s First District, quite honestly lack of votes on behalf of American workers.”

Nehlen said more than 80% of Paul Ryan’s campaign contributions come outside of the district and a majority comes from Washington, D.C.

“It’s a broad coalition that we’re build building. Fundraising, that’s not an issue. Paul Ryan has $7 million, the last I checked I think. 83% of that campaign financing came from outside our district and the vast majority from inside the D.C. beltway,” he said.

Nehlen ripped Ryan on small business, the budget, trade and conservatism.

“Paul Ryan doesn’t have the solution because he’s not a business guy,” he said. “Paul Ryan’s been a career politician.”