Protestors mowed down by police vehicle like ragdolls
June 29, 2020 in News, Video by RBN Staff
Source: Intellihub
A number of Black Lives Matter protesters were struck by a police vehicle in Detroit on Sunday
DETROIT (INTELLIHUB) — Protesters from the Black Lives Matter movement were mowed down and flailed through the air by a police squad car on Sunday evening after being told to make way by the officer driving.
The unruly crowd taunted and terrorized a police officer attempting to make his way down a public street before one marauder smashed the rear window of the vehicle which prompted the officer to respond by punching the gas pedal to the metal striking the protesters with a 5,600-pound vehicle.
Protesters could be heard screaming and panicking in response to the officer’s actions people tumbled to the ground like rag dolls.
A closer look at the video reveals the rear window had been smashed.
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