Red States Have Higher Number of Deaths from Vaccines than Blue States

January 25, 2022 in News, Video by RBN Staff


Source: Need To Know | Craig Paardekooper/ How Bad Is My Batch and Greg Reese


Researcher Craig Paardekooper compiled the number of deaths from experimental Covid-19 vaccines in each state based on data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and found that more people died from the jabs in conservative red states than in blue liberal states. The number of deaths per 100,000 vaccinated is much higher for red states and has a ratio of 5:3 when compared to blue states. He wrote that either red states are receiving batches of higher toxicity or the higher death rate in red states is predominantly among the elderly and frail. Broadly speaking, 25% of the deaths from the vaccines are aged 40-60, and 75% are people 60 and over. The vaccines kill older far more readily than it kills young people and the elderly should not be exposed to the vaccine, but should instead be protected from it.

Variation in Toxicity of Vaccine Batches Across Different States of the USA


Data Sources

  • VAERS provided the number of deaths following vaccination with Pfizer for each state in the USA.



    • There is considerable variation in the number dying per 100,000 vaccinated. Some states have 16 x the death rate compared to others.
    • Red states tend to cluster towards the top of the chart, whilst blue states cluster towards the bottom.
  • Red states occupy 6 of the 7 highest ranking positions for deaths per 100,000 vaccinated

Safety Signal

Some states, in particular Kentucky, Montana, Alaska, Tennessee, North Dakota and South Dakota are experiencing 4 x, 5 x, 6 x or even 11 x the number of deaths per 100,000 vaccinated compared to other states. Such a situation should be raising a safety signal, and requires investigation. The higher death rate in these states following vaccination suggests that they may be receiving more toxic batches, or being administered to more vulnerable people.

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Data from VAERS for 2021 USA for Pfizer vaccine only
Column 2 = Number of deaths following vaccination
Column 6 = Number of people vaccinated
Column 7 = Deaths per 100,000 vaccinated

Repeating the Analysis for All Covid Vaccines

Based on the findings for Pfizer, I decided to repeat the analysis, but this time for all of the covid vaccines together. Here is what I found.

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Data from VAERS for 2021 USA for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen vaccines
Column 2 = Number of deaths following vaccination
Column 6 = Number of people vaccinated
Column 7 = Deaths per 100,000 vaccinated

A clearer pattern emerges. Red states are almost completely clustered at the top, and blue states at the bottom. Number of deaths per 100,000 vaccinated is much higher for red states.

The only possible reasons for this are either –

  1. red states are receiving batches of higher toxicity OR
  2. the uptake in red states is predominantly amongst the elderly and frail.

Testing the Age and Frailty Factors

I will have to investigate this further – by analysing the spread of ages for vaccinated between states. VAERS also provides a list of comorbidities for each recipient’s report, so I can test for frailty also.

(Note: If age and frailty are responsible for the increased deaths following vaccination in red states, then this is an admission that the aged and frail must be more vulnerable to the fatal effects of the vaccine – since red states have upto 19 x the fatality rate. And if the aged and frail are more vulnerable to this medication then they should be protected from it, and exempt from it. If any demographic is excessively vulnerable to a medication, then they should not be exposed to it – continuing the medication betrays an intent to harm.)

Read full article here…