Russia Has Recorded ZERO Coronavirus Deaths – Early and Strict Border Control Is Working
March 16, 2020 in News by RBN Staff
via: Russia-Insider |
Even as coronavirus ravages the rest of Europe, Russia, which closed its entire border back in January, still has zero recorded deaths from COVID-19.
What a stunning coincidence.
The latest numbers out of Russia show that just 28 people are recorded to be infected with coronavirus. There have been zero fatalities.
Compare these numbers to other European countries.
– Italy has 15,113 recorded infections and 1,016 total deaths.
– Spain has 3,059 recorded infections and 86 total deaths.
– France has 2,281 recorded infections and 48 total deaths.
– Germany has 2,512 recorded infections and 5 total deaths.
– The UK has 590 recorded infections and 10 total deaths.
Why such a significant difference?
As the Moscow Times highlights, Russia closed “most entry points along its 4,200-kilometer border with China, ordering people returning from high-risk areas to self-quarantine and temporarily banning Chinese citizens from entering the country.”
They did this back in January, while the World Health Organization was simultaneously ordering countries not to profile and not to take any border control measures that would stop the international flow of people.
Singapore, which despite its proximity to China has recorded only 189 cases of coronavirus and zero deaths, also closed its border back in January.
Compare Singapore and Russia’s response to a country like the UK, which despite seeing coronavirus ravage Italy and Iran is still allowing people to arrive in the country from Italy and Iran while performing zero checks on them whatsoever.
Border controls work. Globalism is a vector for disease pandemics.
Source: Infowars