Stateless Palestinian Refugee From Lebanon Denied Free Speech At Stanford
April 18, 2016 in News by RBN Staff
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Zionists love to control, influence or shut down the debate on the Israel/Palestine issue by using questions like “Does Israel have a right to exist?” When stateless, Palestinian refugee, Amena Ashkar, who resides in Lebanon, was asked this question by members of the Standford Students for Justice in Palestine, she told them, “No!” They didn’t ask her, “Does Palestine have a right to exist?” We Hold These Truths is proud to have co-sponsored the North America Nakba Tour stop in Phoenix on April 10, 2016. While in Phoenix, time was taken to interview Amena Ashkar about what happened at Stanford University and why she decided to not speak there when restrictions were put on her about what she could or could not say. Remarkably, these restrictions were placed on her by “sympathetic” supporters of Palestine not by overt Zionists.