The AMA Recommends Excluding Gender on Birth Certificates

August 18, 2021 in News by RBN Staff


Source: Need To Know | Vision Times


The American Medical Association (AMA) has recommended that the US government stop including the designation of male or female on birth certificates. The AMA argues that such classification would subject Americans who do not identify with their sex at birth to “confusion, possible discrimination, harassment, and violence whenever their birth certificate is requested.” The American College of Pediatricians accused the AMA of “denying science.” Another critic said that health care is being transformed into a “science-devoid cesspool of social justice.” -GEG

The American Medical Agency (AMA) has recommended that the U.S. government stop including the designation of gender in birth certificates. Presently, people are classified as “male” or “female” in the public portion of their certificates.

AMA has argued that such classification would subject Americans who do not identify with the sex assigned at their birth to “confusion, possible discrimination, harassment, and violence whenever their birth certificate is requested.” The AMA made the observation in a report published by its LGBTQ Advisory Committee in June.

Birth certificates are not public documents since they have personal information. However, they are required for basic needs such as acquiring a driver’s license or passport. They are also needed for other purposes, such as registering to a school, obtaining a marriage certificate, accessing personal medical records, and employment.

According to the AMA, access to the sex identifier section of a birth certificate should be restricted to just the individual and his or her physician.

“Assigning sex using a binary variable and placing it on the public portion of the birth certificate perpetuates a view that it is immutable and fails to recognize the medical spectrum of gender identity. Participation by the medical profession and the government in assigning sex is often used as evidence supporting this binary view,” the AMA report said.

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