The Big Lie About Russian US Election Meddling Won’t Die
July 5, 2018 in News by RBN Staff
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Big lies repeated enough drown out truth-telling, especially when major media don’t refute them.
Just the opposite is commonplace in America, the West, and most everywhere else, media scoundrels going along with the official narrative instead of questioning it and demanding proof to support claims.
Without it, accusations are baseless. Not a shred of evidence suggests Russian interference in any Western or other foreign elections – something Washington does repeatedly.
In January 2017, House and Senate Intelligence Committee members began investigating whether Russia interfered in the US 2016 presidential election.
Last March, House Intelligence Committee head of its probe into alleged Russian US election meddling Michael Conaway said his panel “found no evidence (of Kremlin) collusion, coordination or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” adding:
At most his panel found possible examples of “bad judgement, inappropriate meetings, and inappropriate judgment at taking meetings” – nothing else, no Russian meddling, no illegal or improper behavior.
At the time, House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes issued a statement, saying:
“After more than a year, the committee has finished its Russia investigation and will now work on completing our report.”
“We’re dealing in facts, and we found no evidence of collusion.”
Special counsel Mueller’s witch-hunt Russiagate probe has been ongoing since May 2017 – reporting not a whiff of illegal or improper Trump team/Russia connections, no Russian interference in America’s electoral process – NOTHING!
In January 2017, the US intelligence community accused Russia of US election meddling, no proof presented backing the charge because none exists.
Last October, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Richard Burr expressed high confidence in the intelligence community’s assessment of Russian interference – admitting his committee found no evidence proving it after nine months of investigation.
On July 3, the Senate Intelligence Committee issued its report on what it called “a wide range of Russian activities relating to the 2016 US presidential election,” adding:
“While elements of the investigation (remain) ongoing, the Committee is releasing initial, unclassified findings…”
The best committee members could conclude was the following statement by chairman Richard Burr, saying:
“The Committee has spent the last 16 months reviewing the sources, tradecraft and analytic work underpinning the Intelligence Community Assessment and sees no reason to dispute the conclusions,” adding:
The CIA and FBI have “high confidence” about Russian US election meddling. The NSA disagreed, expressing “moderate confidence” in that conclusion.
The Senate report presented no evidence of Trump team/Russian electoral collusion, no proof suggesting any Kremlin interference in America’s electoral process – just accepting the dubious word of the nation’s intelligence community, notoriously hostile to truth-telling about US adversaries and enemies.
The Senate Intelligence Committee hasn’t released what it calls a “comprehensive, classified” report on this issue.
After many months of House, Senate and Mueller probes, not a shred of evidence proves Russian election meddling or collusion with Trump’s team over anything.
The Senate report’s release comes days ahead of the July 16 Putin/Trump summit in Helsinki, Finland.
Virtually the entire Congress and media scoundrels are hostile to Russia and Vladimir Putin
Release of the Senate’s report now reflects a likely attempt to try undermining anything positive from talks with Trump – perhaps along with portraying the US president as a fifth column threat for even meeting with Putin.
As long as Big Lies drown out truth-telling, most Americans will remain unaware of how their ruling authorities betray them – no matter which right wing of the one-party state is in power.
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