The Cashless Life Won’t Be Worth Living
March 17, 2022 in News by RBN Staff
source: lewrockwell
By Mark Crispin Miller
News from Underground
March 17, 2022
While we’re all over-focused on “Ukraine,” our overlords are moving quietly, and swiftly, to take ALL cash away, in favor of a global social credit system. We can’t let them get away with it.
While they have us freaking out about “Ukraine,” our overlords are moving swiftly to rendition all of us into the global cyber-gulag of a social credit system, enabled by a digital currency doled out (or not) by the central banking system.
This report, from December, 2021, “assess[es] market opportunities for infrastructure support of the social credit market”—i.e., how to make a lot of money helping to set up that cyber-prison. Unless you’re reading it for “market opportunities,” you’re likely to be chilled by its dystopian implications.
One way to start fighting this development is to go back to using cash instead of cards as much as possible—starting with #CashFriday, as urged by Catherine Austin Fitts. This means that, every Friday, we use only cash to buy what we may need.
Think about what this development portends: No cash will mean no autonomy, as every purchase that you’ll want to make must be approved on high—approval that will be contingent on your social credit score.
She’s absolutely right about what’s happening.
James Corbett on the looming social-credit prison.
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