The Number Of Children Who Qualify For A Medical Exemption From Vaccination Exceeds The 5% Limit Now Imposed On Schools in California

October 16, 2019 in News by RBN Staff


Newly passed legislation in California limits medical exemptions to no more than 5% of school children while the number of children at risk for vaccine-induce autoimmune reactions exceeds that number.

California Senate Bill SB276 limits medical exemptions to fewer than 95% of students vaccinated, given that a 95% vaccination rate is required to produce immunity in a grade school population.

However, a recent report published in the European Association For Predictive Preventive & Personalized Medicine indicates autoimmune disorders have increased significantly over the last 30 years and affect more than 5% of individuals worldwide at the age of vaccination.”

The journal Academic Pediatrics reports that the percentage of American children with chronic disease has risen in recent years from ~12% to 54.1%.  Many of these chronic diseases are classified as autoimmune disorders.  The “autoimmune sub-population of school-age children are at-risk for vaccine induced side effects, some being long-term.

Today an estimated 16% of the U.S. population suffers from an autoimmune disease.  Autoimmunity is called an invisible epidemic.

Medical realities begin to question the political actions taken to limit medical exemptions in public schools such as in California.

According to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle, Senate Bill SB276 in California allows the Department of Public Health to review medical exemptions at schools where fewer than 95% of students are vaccinated. It also gives the state the power to review exemptions written by doctors who have granted five or more waivers in a calendar year.  State officials could reject exemptions they find to be fraudulent or inconsistent with medical guidelines.

SB276 repeals parents’ right to keep their children from being vaccinated if it violated their personal or religious beliefs. The number of medical exemptions quadrupled thereafter, raising concerns that some doctors are providing fraudulent waivers.

The new law also requires children to obtain new medical exemptions when they enter kindergarten and seventh grade or when they change schools.

Who should NOT be vaccinated? 

The Centers for Disease Control does list “Some people who should NOT get the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.”  The CDC bulletin says:

Tell your vaccine provider if the person getting the vaccine:

  • Has any severe, life-threatening allergies. A person who has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of MMR vaccine, or has a severe allergy to any part of this vaccine, may be advised not to be vaccinated. Ask your health care provider if you want information about vaccine components.
  • Is pregnant, or thinks she might be pregnant. Pregnant women should wait to get MMR vaccine until after they are no longer pregnant. Women should avoid getting pregnant for at least 1 month after getting MMR vaccine.
  • Has a weakened immune system due to disease (such as cancer or HIV/AIDS) or medical treatments (such as radiation, immunotherapy, steroids, or chemotherapy).
  • Has a parent, brother, or sister with a history of immune system problems.
  • Has ever had a condition that makes them bruise or bleed easily.
  • Has recently had a blood transfusion or received other blood products. You might be advised to postpone MMR vaccination for 3 months or more.
  • Has tuberculosis.
  • Has gotten any other vaccines in the past 4 weeks. Live vaccines given too close together might not work as well.
  • Is not feeling well. A mild illness, such as a cold, is usually not a reason to postpone a vaccination. Someone who is moderately or severely ill should probably wait. Your doctor can advise you.
  • You have laboratory confirmation of past infection or had blood tests that show you are immune to measles, mumps, and rubella.
  • If you received a measles vaccine in the 1960s, you may not need to be revaccinated. People who have documentation of receiving LIVE measles vaccine in the 1960s do not need to be revaccinated. People who were vaccinated prior to 1968 with either inactivated (killed) measles vaccine or measles vaccine of unknown type should be revaccinated with at least one dose of live attenuated measles vaccine. This recommendation is intended to protect those who may have received killed measles vaccine, which was available in 1963-1967 and was not effective.
  • * Birth before 1957 provides only presumptive evidence for measles, mumps, and rubella. Before vaccines were available, nearly everyone was infected with measles, mumps, and rubella viruses during childhood. The majority of people born before 1957 are likely to have been infected naturally and therefore are presumed to be protected against measles, mumps, and rubella. Healthcare personnel born before 1957 without laboratory evidence of immunity or disease should consider getting two doses of MMR vaccine.

Vaccines are not totally protective

According to the CDC:

  • One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella.
  • Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective against measles and 88% effective against mumps.

The CDC bulletin goes on to say: “Some people who get two doses of MMR vaccine may still get measles, mumps, or rubella if they are exposed to the viruses that cause these diseases.”

CDC: Experts aren’t sure why; it could be that their immune systems didn’t respond as well as they should have to the vaccine or their immune system’s ability to fight the infection decreased over time. However, disease symptoms are generally milder in vaccinated people.

  • About 3 out of 100 people who get two doses of MMR vaccine will get measles if exposed to the virus. However, they are more likely to have a milder illness, and are also less likely to spread the disease to other people.
  • Two doses of MMR vaccine are 88% (range 31% to 95%) effective at preventing mumps. Mumps outbreaks can still occur in highly vaccinated U.S. communities, particularly in settings where people have close, prolonged contact, such as universities and close-knit communities. During an outbreak, public health authorities may recommend an additional dose of MMR for people who belong to groups at increased risk for mumps. An additional dose can help improve protection against mumps disease and related complications.
  • While there are not many studies available, most people who do not respond to the rubella component of the first MMR dose would be expected to respond to the second dose.

The above information suggests there are reasons why there are grade-school outbreaks of measles outside of failure to vaccinate.

It should also be recognized that about 20% of reports of measles infection occur among very young infants under age 12 months who are not vaccinated till that age.  Often parents will bring a young infant in for vaccination a month or two after the child reaches age 12 months, so yes, the child is unvaccinated but for practical reasons was not vaccinated on time.

Population data does not apply to individuals

One of the fallacies of reading published reports on vaccines among large groups of children is that that data does not provide instruction for individuals, it provides information on what works for populations.

Of particular interest is that the medical literature indicates there are children who may develop autoimmune reactions following vaccination.  One report states: “The individuals who might be susceptible to develop these reactions…may not be those with previous post-vaccination phenomena and those with allergies but also individuals who are prone to develop autoimmune diseases, such as those with a family history of autoimmunity or with known autoantibodies, and the genetic predisposed individuals.”

Not only do pre-existing autoimmune disorders in school children put them at risk for vaccine-induced adverse reactions, “various reports confirm the occurrence of neurological (Guillain Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, autism), articular (arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), and autoimmune untoward effects (systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus) after single or combined multi-vaccine procedures,” says a report published in the European Association for Predictive Preventive & Personalized Medicine.

This suggests all school students should be screened for autoimmune/allergic reactions with some sort of patch test prior to vaccination.  And don’t forget, children may have been exposed to an infectious disease in their environment and developed antibodies on their own, without vaccination.  So, it’s possible parents could demand their at-risk children be tested to see if they have already developed antibodies and don’t need vaccines.  For example, there are labs that offer measles immunity tests for as little as $12.95.

For further information about childhood vaccination, you are invited to visit and to donate funds for their causes.  ####