August 1, 2019 in News by RBN Staff
This lasted until the fall of the Soviet Union. At that point, Bush the Elder told us we’d get a righty deserved “peace dividend,” in other words less “defense” spending. This was, of course, a grand illusion designed to fool the average American and steer the “guns and butter” discussion in the appropriate direction—feeding the military-industrial complex.
After the largely illusory threat of communism was vanquished, new enemies appeared. Beginning in the 1990s focused turned to the Middle East, first the wholly manufactured threat of Saddam Hussein, and then radical Islam, which, minus the FBI’s staged 1993 World Trade Center bombing, did not pose a threat to America or even its most favored nation, Israel.
As the political class and the corporate media are wont to remind us, everything changed after 9/11. That event significantly increased the power and authority of the national security state (primarily the DoD, NSA, CIA, and new agencies, notably the Department of Homeland Security and an array of private-sector corporations).
Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, and then the Islamic State served the purpose of growing the national security state to leviathan proportions and in the process diminishing the semi-liberty of the American people on a grand scale.
All threats, however, have a shelf life. Trump supposedly defeated the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (in truth, Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah did). Even so, the Islamic threat remains on a back burner, ready to re-emerge when needed.
Now we have super-threats, according to there state and its political class—Russia and China—with a scattering of minor non-threats, namely Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua (the last two recycled from the earlier period).
Beginning in 2016, we were subjected to the absurd fairy tale of Russia, through Facebook ads, unbalancing the US election system (long rigged in favor of the political class) and the result was the victory of the execrable Donald Trump, a populist primitive and former reality TV star.
The corporate media has wasted little time along with the Democrat side of the one-party hydra associating Trump with racism, sexism, nativism—the polar opposite of the adopted identity politics control device taken on by the state—and thus manufacturing the new threat: the alt-right and white nationalism or white supremacy.
Supposed white nationalists are way out on the political fringe in small numbers and yet we’re told every day by the propaganda media most domestic terrorist acts are committed by racists, bigots, Nazis, and Trump supporters. More people are killed every week in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, and other engineered wastelands, but this doesn’t contain any political capital, with the exception of outlawing firearms and self-defense, so it is irrelevant.
During the Democrat “debate” in the ruin of Detroit, Senator Elizabeth Warren declared war on white supremacy. It was tucked neatly in with the rest of the identity theology.
Meet the new enemy. The liberal corporate media has worked overtime to portray anyone to the right of Elizabeth Warren as a domestic terrorist. It’s not simply a small and mostly insignificant number of skin color-obsessed neurotics posing a dire threat to America, it’s anybody who opposes the identity-socialist agenda.
The militarized police state and a posse comitatus-busting Pentagon stand ready to fight this new threat. After all, white supremacy affects all walks of life, according to Warren and the Democrats.