Trump Targeting Sexual Abuser/Rapist Bill Clinton and Hillary’s Coverup

October 14, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

by Stephen Lendman

Bill Clinton was a notorious sexual abuser, the Oval Office private study a near-bordello on his watch.
Trump vowed to hit back hard after release of his 11-year-old lewd talk caught on tape – private locker-room type boasting lots of men engage in, often exaggerating.
He began by inviting three Bill Clinton sexually abused women to the October 9 presidential debate – Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paul Jones.
He believes Bill and Hillary were “shaken” by the tactic. Bloomberg News quoted his campaign manager Steve Bannon, saying “(w)e’re going to turn (Bill Clinton) into Bill Cosby.”
A senior Trump campaign advisor said “(w)omen are coming to us who have been groped or sexually abused by Bill Clinton.” He’s considering featuring them at campaign events to “give witness to” how Hillary covered up his long history of abusing women.
According to Bloomberg, the campaign’s final weeks “could be the ugliest in modern presidential history.”
Thursday night on Fox News, Sean Hannity will host a one-hour special, featuring Broaddrick, Willey and Jones – more interviews and revelations to follow.
Separately, The New York Times reported two women claiming Trump “touched them inappropriately.” Jessica Leeds, now aged 74, was quoted saying “(h)e was like an octopus. His hands were everywhere.”
Rachel Crooks encountered Trump in his Manhattan Trump Tower, claiming they shook hands. He wouldn’t let go. Instead he kissed her cheeks and “directly on the mouth.”
“It was so inappropriate,” she said. Trump angrily denied the accusations, saying “(n)one of this ever took place,” calling The Times reporter “a disgusting human being.”
In an open letter to Times executive editor Dean Baquet, attorney Marc Kasowitz representing Trump said:
We hereby demand that you immediately cease any further publication of this article, remove it from your website and issue a full and immediate retraction and apology. Failure to do so will leave my client with no option but to pursue all available actions and remedies.”
Trump spokesman Jason Miller called The Times article “fiction. For the New York Times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against Mr. Trump on a topic like this is dangerous.”
“To reach back decades in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump trivializes sexual assault, and it sets a new low for where the media (are) willing to go in its efforts to determine this election.”
“It is absurd to think that one of the most recognizable business leaders on the planet with a strong record of empowering women in his companies would do the things alleged in this story, and for this to only become public decades later in the final month of a campaign for president should say it all.”
The Times has been a lead Trump agitator throughout the campaign, featuring multiple daily smear pieces vilifying him – in contrast to one-sidedly promoting Hillary’s candidacy, ignoring her villainous past.
Deputy Trump campaign manager David Bossie explained “(o)nce the campaign decided to put forward the strategy of using the victims of Bill and Hillary from the 90s, others came forward because they see the media coverage. Now, we have an opportunity to introduce new material into the campaign to educate voters on how they treat women.” 
Hillary will be portrayed as an enabler of husband Bill’s sexual predations. “She led a program of victim intimidation,” Stephen Bannon explained.
“This has nothing to do with consensual sexual affairs and infidelities. This is Bill…He’s a violent sexual predator who physically abuses women he assaults. And” Hillary intimidates victimized women to say nothing.
On Tuesday, Trump called himself “unshackled.” An advisor added “(w)e gonna go buck wild.” Expect greater mudslinging leading up to November 8 than already. 
Will it matter? Likely not, given the ability of power brokers to rig things for Hillary if needed – perhaps like Bush stole elections from Gore and Kerry in 2000 and 2004 respectively, depriving them of the presidency they won.
America isn’t democratic and never was. What powerful interests want, they get – Hillary their choice to succeed Obama.