UK: Data Suggest Most COVID Hospitalizations are for Other Ailments
August 2, 2021 in News by RBN Staff
source: needtoknownews
MORE than half of covid hospitalisations are patients who tested positive after they were admitted, it has been reported.
Leaked data suggests the majority of patients classed as being hospitalised with Covid-19 were initially admitted for different ailments.
Figures show patients were eventually diagnosed with Covid through routine testing that is required for everyone admitted to the hospital.
The data, covering all NHS trusts in England, suggests that as of last Thursday, just 44 per cent of Covid patients had tested positive by the time they were admitted, the Telegraph reports.
The majority of cases were not detected until the standard Covid tests were carried out.
Fifty six per cent of Covid hospitalisations fell into this category, the data suggests.
The NHS has been told to provide “a breakdown of the current stock of Covid patients” by separating those in hospital for the virus and those for other reasons, the Telegraph reports.
However, bosses have not yet revealed the data.