Vigil For Peace at Emanu-El Jewish Congregation, San Francisco, September 7
September 5, 2017 in News by RBN Staff
Source: WHTT |
What: Vigil For Peace
Where: Congregation Emanu-El, 2 Lake Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 (Map)
When: September 7, 2017 at 5:30 pm (Event starts @ 7 pm) [We will meet on the public sidewalks in front of Congregation Emanu-El)
August 30, 2017
Congregation Emanu-El
San Francisco, CA
Dear Rabbis and Friends:
We will be at your September 7, 2017, evening meeting, “Christian Zionists-Why Evangelicals Support Israel”, presented by David Brog and sponsored by the Israel Action Committee. David Brog has been associated with Christians United For Israel, whose leader, John Hagee has publicly prayed for war against Iraq and called for pre-emptive strikes on Iran. We publicly seek your help in the interest of peace. We will be outside the Synagogue on public rights-of-way, holding signs and banners, pleading with you, passers-by, and the media to seek peace with all world powers, great and small. We hope you will meet with us and join our plea. Why have we chosen you and this venue for our demonstration?
Our elected leaders issued war challenges to other governments not once but twice in the last month. The first challenge was directed towards North Korea and the second to both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Moreover, America is still at war with at least three Middle Eastern countries, and, financially supports Israel’s 70-year occupation of the Palestinians. We ask for your help in demanding that the Washington Establishment prioritize Life ahead of War, which it has so far failed to do..
We Americans note that our government is about $20 trillion in debt, with a deadline to borrow more trillions, otherwise, we will default on our debts before year end. Most, but not all of this debt, was acquired to pay for wars in the Middle East over the last 27 years. Wars that have cost uncounted millions in dead and homeless. And, this is not without loss of life to our own children, who have become a warrior generation.
You are in a unique position to demand peace, because you have access to the White House through the many Jewish appointees in the Trump administration. Have you yet asked appointees in high places to demand Life, not War? None of us, whether Christ-followers or devout Jews, can morally afford condoning the costs of killing while we look the other way. Rabbis, you uniquely can make peace happen!
High level appointees include Gary Cohn, Chief Economic Advisor to President Trump, soon expected to be chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Steven Mnuchin. Secretary of the Treasury–perhaps the two most powerful money jobs in the world. Also Jared Kushner, a Trump family member and his chief advisors and David Shulkin, Donald Trump’s Veterans Affairs Secretary.
We ask you and the members of Emanu-El Congregation to petition every one of these appointees, asking each to withdraw from the Trump administration unless the President raises his voice for peace along with yours and ours! Surely, you remember when some of your parents were war victims, do you not?
Our written messages to the public on the public ground outside your Synagogue will include:
Please use your Trump influence for PEACE
Dump Trump’s Wars
Choose Life, Not War
No more troops and mercenaries in Afghanistan
End Israel’s 70-year War of Occupation in Palestine
Help Stop the Trillion Dollar Wars Race in the Middle East
Where Are Your Peacemakers?
Will you join us in our call for peace?
Craig Hanson, CA Outreach Director
We Hold These Truths
For more information, contact
“John Hagee with Benny Hinn: Praying for War in the Name of Jesus,”
“Christian Zionism and the Rhetoric of Pre-Emptive War,” Bill Moyers, 11/30/207, Bill MOyers Journal: