We Must Stop The Anchor Baby Birthright Invasion Of America

November 3, 2018 in News by RBN Staff

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Source: rense.com
By Frosty Wooldridge

According to the Pew Research Center, in 2008, 350,000 pregnant woman jumped America’s borders or rode in on a visa to birth their “anchor babies” on U.S. soil.  That practice continues for the past 30 years by hundreds of thousands and now millions of pregnant women who birth their “jack pot” child in the loving arms of American taxpayers. ( www.PewResearchCenter.org , Birthright Citizenship)

Last year, 2017, according to the report, 270,000 women birthed their anchor baby on U.S. soil.

The practice costs American taxpayers trillions of dollars over the last three decades.  Each child enjoys pre-natal, birth in hospitals and post-natal assistance along with K – 12 education, food stamps, Section 8 Housing, free breakfast and lunches, living expenses and more on the U.S. taxpayer’s back.  Years later, the child may chain-migrate his or her entire family into America, and they do by the millions.

In other words, America stands as the “charity ward” for the rest of the world.  You may look up on line for websites that encourage anchor babies from China, India, Mexico, Korea, Brazil, Africa, and dozens of other countries.

Former Senate Majority leader Harry Reid used to rail against “any country that would reward lawbreakers with citizenship.”

Journalist Kimberly Dvoark said, “”Birth Tourism” has become a billion-dollar industry due to America’s lax immigration and citizenship laws. More than a half a million anchor babies are now born in the US each year, creating instant citizen status for the foreign parents who have foreign loyalties and connections.”

U.S. baby births create big business, especially in China. On the website  usbabydiy.com , you may access endless pages of advertisements for birth centers, many of them found in San Diego, New York and Miami. The ads offer room and board for several months, including, services for/after pregnancy and tout the best medical care money can buy.

“Your U.S. born baby will become a U.S. citizen,” said immigration attorney Mr. Sapochnick. “Having a baby here, there’s nothing illegal about it. It’s just people are making it into a profit industry.”

Sapochnick said, “Baby brokers can charge anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000 per family.”

What Costs Do American Taxpayers Bear?

If you average anchor baby births at 300,000 annually, you’re looking at 300,000 babies times $8,000.00 average for a hospital birth.  The math staggers the imagination.  If the child suffers congenital heart disease, cleft palate or other deformities, the costs rise into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.