What every American needs to know about Israel-Palestine

May 28, 2018 in News by RBN Staff


Dear Joann,

With the June 8th anniversary of Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty coming up​we urge you to educate people in your community about the event – obtain materials here.

That day in 1967, Israeli Air Force jets and Navy torpedo boats tried to sink Liberty, a U.S. Navy technical research ship, with all men aboard. They did not succeed in doing so, but ended up killing 34 Americans and injuring over 170.

Surviving crew members and the families of those killed have called for a complete, honest investigation into the attack, but Israel and its partisans have called them “antisemitic” and worked to suppress their voices.

Click on image to order or download poster (scroll down).

We urge you to educate people in your area about the attack and support the surviving crew members – and the families whose sons, fathers, and husbands were killed – in their demand for an honest, open investigation.

  • Distribute our fact-sheets and in-depth booklets that give the facts and that expose the media and American Legion cover up.
  • Write letters to the editor and op-eds for your local newspapers, campus newspapers, etc.
  • Discuss the event at Rotary Clubs, and with friends, neighbors and colleagues.
  • Give the booklet exposing the American Legion management’s past cover-up to local Legion posts and ask members to call on Legion leaders to work for the new Legion resolution calling for an investigation, which was recently passed by the membership.
  • Wear a USS Liberty button.
  • Go to the USS Liberty Veterans Association website and get a USS Liberty hatjacketshirt, etc, and wear it! Buy the books and give them to local teachers, etc. Ask local libraries to put it on their shelves. Ask local bookstores to feature it.
  • Put a USS Liberty bumper sticker on your car.
  • Share any of our in-depth articles on the event.

Thank you for helping us oppose cover-ups and support victims whose voices deserve to be heard,

– Alison Weir