WRITER: Trump’s Victory Represents Total Collapse Of The Left For Years To Come

December 27, 2016 in News by RBN Staff

The Gateway Pundit


“Zombie” of the Zomblog has written a great essay which analyzes Trump’s win and the long term effect it will have on the left. He suggests that the left’s indoctrination strategy totally failed and that Trump has set them beck for a generation.

Here are some excerpts:

Trump’s Victory Is a Pivotal Turning Point in Human History

Donald Trump’s victory in November was not only the most important election result of our lifetimes, but ranks as one of the most significant events in recorded history, on par with the French Revolution or the fall of the Berlin Wall. And I’ll tell you why.

Western society is super-saturated with leftist propaganda. Politically astute non-leftists see it everywhere and complain about it incessantly — because it is ubiquitous. In fact, most of our waking hours are spent noticing, commenting upon, getting outraged by and then futilely combatting the endless, relentless leftist slant to everything in modern culture.

Every news broadcast. Every movie. Every lesson in every classroom. Every social signifier in public. Every poll. Every TV show. Every tribal shibboleth. In ways large and small, overt and covert, subtle and blatant, the society around us is infused with progressive ideals and agendas, whether you realize it or not…

The entire purpose of 60 years of slanted media and slanted news and slanted education and social pressure and brainwashing and deception and indoctrination — all of it, everything we complain about every day, all day, for years and years and years — the purpose of all this is to get people to vote for the most left-wing candidate in each presidential election. The goal is to bring about a self-imposed silent revolution in America, a democratically elected socialist government voted in by low-information rubes unaware of what they’re doing.

And it has looked ever since Obama’s ascendancy in 2008 that this long-term strategy had reached a tipping point of success from which there was no return — no conservative could ever win another presidential election…

And then November 8, 2016 happened, and BOOM: It was all revealed to be a lie. Not only did the indoctrination fail, but the general impression that the relentless indoctrination had always been successful was itself a gigantic meta-deception.

Read the whole thing.

Hat tip to Professor William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection who adds this:

Certainly, Trump’s victory was a yuge blow to the hardcore, anti-Western, anti-American (and usually anti-Israel) leftist agenda.

What Trump does with the win will be the difference. The institutionalized left is not going to go away so quickly, particularly in academia, which serves to mainstream the most insane theories of social justice. I’ve seen how fringe ideas on gender, white privilege, the patriarchy, and so on, within less than a generation become the norm. The craziest ideas that were laughed at as the ranting of lunatics get taught to college students who then become social justice warriors screaming in the faces of anyone who disagrees.

What do you think?