
June 27, 2019 in News by RBN Staff

(Natural News) In a rare public appearance, I will be the Friday evening keynote speaker at the upcoming “Legends” conference in Branson, Missouri, organized by GenSix.com(Steve Quayle). The event takes place September 13 – 15. Tickets are available to attend in person, and live streaming access is also available at GenSix.com. I have no financial stake in ticket sales, and they are very affordable for those who wish to attend in person.

It is a tremendous honor to be invited to speak at this event, which also features many other researchers, science investigators and well-known experts in the realms of ancient civilizations, non-Earth intelligence and exotic technologies / physics. Some of the speakers include George Knapp, Steve Quayle, Chase Kloetzke, Michael Schratt, Timothy Alberino and more. See the full list here.

My presentation will feature never-before published scientific data and analysis that reveals how planet Earth is being terraformed to prepare it for what I call the “post-human era.” I will present a detailed scientific analysis of how Earth’s climate, food supply, genome pool, telecomm infrastructure and environmental chemicals are being weaponized and deployed to eliminate humankind through multiple vectors (infertility, cognitive collapse, food supply collapse, atmospheric poisoning, destruction of food crop genetics, suppression of human knowledge via Google, etc).

The official description of my talk is:

Published scientist and author Mike Adams will unveil stunning new evidence that planet Earth is being terraformed to annihilate the human species and many native lifeforms in order to prepare the planet for “reseeding” by non-Earth entities. Our planet is undergoing deliberate, large-scale alterations to atmospheric chemistry under the cover of the false “climate change” crisis being pushed by the corrupt scientific establishment. Among the changes being pursued are large-scale stratospheric pollution to reduce the intensity of sunlight reaching the Earth, the introduction of genetically engineered invasive plant and animal species into the wild to annihilate native species, the lowering of oxygen concentration in the lower atmosphere to asphyxiate human beings, the collapse of global food webs, the destruction of the food chains upon which humans depend, and the cooling of the planet to increase polar ice while reducing the liquid water volume of the world’s oceans. The goal is to exterminate humankind and prepare the planet as friendly habitat for a non-Earth species whose original planet was farther from the sun and had a colder, thinner atmosphere than that of Earth. The secondary goal is the stripping of Earth’s rare elements, which have numerous scientific, medical and exotic technology applications across any advanced civilization.

I’ve briefly written about this topic on Natural News and have since developed a lot more supportive evidence, including relevant laboratory analysis results that I’ll be sharing with the public at the conference. See this story for background: “TERRAFORMING has begun: “Global dimming” is a plot to EXTERMINATE humanity by terraforming the atmosphere with SMOG pollution, killing Earth’s food crops and unleashing ecological collapse.”

During my presentation, I will reveal a URL where every participant can download a summary of the research findings I’ll be presenting in Branson.

Reserve a ticket, a live stream or a DVD set of the conference at this link:


The plot to exterminate humankind is being driven by other-than-human controllers

What has become clear over the last several years is that globalists are now actively following orders to exterminate humankind and alter the global climate to prepare it for post-human occupation and exploitation. The ongoing geoengineering efforts, for example, are admittedly designed to alter atmospheric chemistry and dim the sun, reducing the intensity of radiation reaching the surface of the Earth (and hence, all plants on Earth).

This effort would, in turn, cause photosynthesis to be diminished, reducing plant respiration and reducing the amount of oxygen produced by plants. The end result is a planet that’s colder, with less sunlight, fewer plants, lower oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere, expanded areas of lifeless, frozen continents and the dropping global ocean levels. Earth, in other words, would be anything but “green.” It would actually resemble a mini ice age with vast areas of the planet frozen and devoid of complex life.

Such a planet is obviously not very hospitable to humans and would result in a global-scale collapse of food supplies followed by the collapse of human civilization due to social unrest, political uprisings, civil war, international war and the fight for scarce resources. The climate change agenda is actually an agenda to alter the climate and commit large-scale genocide affecting humans, animals and plants. Those individuals who have been suckered into believing in “climate change” are actually betraying the human race and unknowingly working for enemies of humanity who are rolling out a genocidal agenda that will ultimately see most humans eliminated from the planet. This is also the openly stated goal of many globalists.

“Soft kill” and “hard kill” weaponization vectors to interrupt human reproduction and species viability

My presentation will discuss “soft kill” and “hard kill” technologies to be used against humanity. Some of these are already in place and operating now. Exotic technologies include binary weapon systems (weaponized, bioengineered vaccine contaminants) and exotic food-based DNA-targeting weapons such as “RNA interference” technology which can achieve race-specific infertility goals. This is on top of the current cultural programming to eliminate all recognition of the life of infants (i.e. infanticide and post-birth abortions) and to destroy the viability of the species through gender-fluid indoctrination that has now reached the point of such insanity that some humans are quite literally cutting off their own reproductive organs in order to achieve “progressive” acceptance (and victimhood status).

The continuation of the species, in other words, is being assaulted through cultural programming, transgender messaging and the acceleration of human species self-mutilations via abortions and infanticide. This is part of the mind control aspect of the weaponization vectors: Turning humanity against itself to interrupt the normal drive for sexual reproduction involving male / female gene combination offspring. A species that can be convinced there’s no such thing as a “male” or “female” is already on the path to self-annihilation.

On the chemistry side of my presentation, special emphasis will be placed on the “organophosphate group” molecular weaponization systems that have been rolled out across the human food supply and consumer products, such as mattresses which are saturated with organophosphate-group flame retardant chemicals. This includes mattresses for infants. The goal is to interfere with normal neurological function by interfering with acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme necessary for proper cognition. By inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, these chemicals achieve multiple outcomes desired by anti-human combatants, including widespread depression across human populations, increased suicides, lingering confusion, dramatic mood swings and the inhibition of clarity of thought. This confusion and fear is then exploited by the fake news media (CNN, WashPost, etc.) to drive false beliefs into the minds of the neurologically vulnerable.

VX Nerve Gas, glyphosate, pesticides and flame retardants are all based on this specific molecular arrangement known as “organophosphate groups” which have a base molecular mass (in daltons) of 95. That’s 4 x Oxygen (16) and 1 x Phosphorus (31). This molecular group is traced back to the genocidal chemical weapons development of Nazi scientists, many of whom were recruited by the United States to work for NASA and other chemical conglomerates. The entire U.S. Apollo space program, for example, was spearheaded by Nazi scientists (operation Paperclip). Hundreds of Nazi scientists were brought to the United States after World War II to accelerate the work on pesticides, pharmaceuticals, chemical weapons, space exploration and materials science, among other areas.

As a side note, today’s CDC is the militant wing of the anti-human infiltration teams that are working to inject all human beings with weaponized substances that compromise human fertility and long-term species viability. The CDC is quite literally run by “Men in Black” military personnel with special training in intelligence operations, social engineering and large-scale science fraud. In my presentation, I will reveal how and why vaccines will be used as a kill shot vector to eliminate all human beings who are foolish enough to be injected with genetically engineered weapons. Vaccine-based binary weapon systems can also be activated by other vectors, including engineered food crops and chemical exposure.

Put simply, the extermination of humanity will be shockingly easy to accomplish, since most humans will gladly line up to be euthanized as long as the shot is labeled a “vaccine.” The brainwashing and indoctrination of the masses by anti-human infiltration teams has been almost comically easy to achieve. This is part of the reason why human globalists tell themselves the mass culling is justified. In their minds, anyone stupid enough to line up to be injected with dangerous, unknown substances is probably too stupid to represent the future of the human race. In some ways, it’s difficult to argue that they’re wrong on that particular point.

The climate change agenda is intended to alter the climate for a specific post-human scenario

In effect, today’s aggressive push to “stop climate change” is actually a push to change the climate and make it inhospitable to humans. This is self-evident once you consider the “war on carbon” and how climate change cultists have declared carbon dioxide to be a pollutant. It’s actually the greening molecule for all plant life on Earth, functioning as the very pillar of nearly all food webs, both marine (aquatic) and land-based food systems. Eliminating CO2 from the atmosphere would cause a catastrophic, cascading collapse of plants, animals, insects, pollinators, fish, primates and humans, among other living organisms. Yet this is precisely what Democrats, Leftists and “scientists” are demanding — the elimination of CO2 from the atmosphere along with dimming the sun, shutting down photosynthesis and reducing oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere.

Without CO2, plants cannot survive. Without oxygen, humans cannot survive. Without photosynthesis, almost nothing can survive on the planet. Yet today’s globalists, Leftists and Democrats are at war with 2 out of the 3 components needed for photosynthesis. Those 3 components are sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. Climate change cultists decry both sunlight and carbon dioxide, without which all life as we know it on planet Earth would cease to exist.

Interestingly, dimming the sun, cooling the planet, collapsing food webs and reducing oxygen concentrations in the lower atmosphere would make Earth closely resemble ancient Mars, which once held liquid water and an atmosphere. It could be argued that the terraforming effort now underway on planet Earth is attempting to recreate conditions similar to ancient Mars.

Between now and September 13th, I will be writing and sharing additional details on this subject, including posting some videos. But the big data set will be revealed in Branson, Missouri during the “True Legends” conference.

Get your tickets for live attendance or live streaming at GenSix.com.

My last public presentation?

This is likely the very last public presentation I will have the opportunity to make before global chaos unfolds and censorship goes extreme. The current suppression of human knowledge by Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube will only get more aggressive over the next few years. Any dissent from the establishment view on any topic — science, medicine, history, nutrition, politics — will be criminalized and prosecuted. This complete suppression of the freedom to think is just one step toward the global genocide being planned to exterminate humanity. During the mass culling, no one will be allowed to state the obvious, such as, “Hey, why is everybody dying?” It will all be labeled a conspiracy theory while the fact checkers “debunk” the stories, even as bodies keep falling all around them.

Eventually, even the propagandists themselves will be eliminated, since all humans — except for a very limited number of complicit globalists — have been slated for termination.

By the way, the most likely vector for the “hard kill” will be an exotic, bioengineered biological weapon that specifically targets human DNA. This weapon will have a very long incubation period (several months) characterized by high transmissibility with symptomless latency and a catastrophic “payload” once the long incubation reaches a critical mass inside each host. It will be airborne, and there will be no vaccine to stop it, although a fake vaccine actually containing live, weaponized strains will be promoted as a cure. For scientific reasons I will explain in the presentation, self-replicating, species-specific, high-latency biological weapons are the vector of choice for the final kill shot.

Somehow, I am being told I have to fit all this into a two-hour presentation. Join me in Branson this September to experience the full presentation live.