The Republic Renegade Round Table with The Rebel and the Renegade


The Rebel Mad Man-

Mike Gaddy

Career in the Intelligence field, Founder of Bill of Rights Arkansas, Former Vice President of the American Foundation for Accountability of Prisoners of War and Missing in Action, Student, teacher and public speaker on the subject of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and America’s Founding Era for 3 decades.



Steven Douglas Whitener

Former whistle-blower regarding a hazardous waste treatment facility run by Aqua Tech Inc in South Carolina. In 1990
the illegal activities at the facility led to its closing and it was listed as an EPA super-fund site in late 1991. For his efforts at exposing the wrongdoing Steven was rewarded by Aqua Tech with lungs full of hydrogen chloride gas which left him permanently injured. He did not speak publicly again about these events until 2017.




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