Connecticut’s Gun Ban Is Worse Than Hitler’s Gun Ban

March 7, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges
Republic Broadcasting Network

gun control works

Recently, 100,000 state residents who went to bed as law-abiding citizens and woke up a felon facing prison time. Connecticut Governor Malloy continues to pressure the 100,000 Connecticut residents who have refused to register their guns, to do so, or face forced gun confiscation at their homes. Why is Malloy still Governor? Why aren’t these people recalling this sorry excuse for a governor who obviously holds the Second Amendment in such disdain? And before you tell me that the Governor has given up on the notion of gun confiscation, you would mistaken. The slight pull back by the Governor is in response to the fact that one third of the impacted residents are law enforcement personnel. Once this is legislation away, gun confiscation will be back on the table. It is looking more and more like Connecticut and other select states are beta testing gun confiscation so the DHS can establish the metrics of resistance and then plan accordingly.

There Is a Coming Train Wreck

In reality, it’s just a matter of time until there is blood in the streets over a rising number of unconstitutional gun grabs, whether it’s in Connecticut or any other state. And when bloodshed starts, martial law will follow.

Second Amendment rights are not just under attack in Connecticut, they are being attacked all across this country. Last year, the Colorado Senate passed Senate Bill 197 which was intended to ban those who have been accused of domestic violence. Please notice, the law says “accused”, not convicted.

Take the case of David Schmecker as he has had his guns confiscated. Schmecker is an honorably discharged Navy veteran with no criminal past. He had his gun permit revoked and his guns forcefully confiscated by police because he politely refused to submit to a psychological evaluation as ordered by an interim physician for a pain medication.

In Hawaii, Senate Bill 219 bans guns as does recent Indiana legislation which has done the same despite the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling which upheld the Second Amendment.

Is someone going to flip a switch and we will see home gun confiscation across the country? It appears that the forces are aligning for just this purpose.

Given the recent 5-4 decision upholding the Second Amendment, Obama is only one Supreme Court Justice away from a declaration of national gun confiscation. We are on the precipice of a totalitarian crackdown.

Frighteningly, American gun control legislation is imitating Hitler’s Nazi Germany gun control legislation. Consider the key provisions of the Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 and compare it with the Connecticut gun ban. The parallels of both the provisions and the legal language are eerily similar and in some cases the Connecticut ban is worse that anything Hitler implemented. .

The Nazi Weapons Act of 1938

1. Classified guns for sporting purposes.

2. All Germans desiring to purchase firearms had to register with the Nazi officials and submit to a background check.

3. The law assumed that non-Nazi German citizens were hostile and thereby exempted Nazi’s from the gun control law.

4. The Nazi’s assumed unrestricted power to decide what kinds of firearms could, or could not, be owned by private persons.

5. The types of ammunition that were legal were subject to control by governmental bureaucrats.

6. Citizens under 18 years of age could not buy firearms and ammunition.

Connecticut’s Gun Ban

1. Does not even use the term “sporting purpose” as a standard for private gun ownership. The U.S. Court of Appeals [in Heller II] thought “it clear enough in the record that semi-automatic rifles and magazines holding more than ten rounds are indeed in ‘common use.’”

However, the court could not “be certain whether these weapons are commonly used or are useful specifically for self-defense or hunting and therefore whether the prohibitions of certain semi-automatic rifles and magazines … meaningfully affect the right to keep and bear arms.” In other words, the government gets to decide and there is no firm standard so the government gets to make up the rules as they go along. This is much more strict than anything the Nazis passed because it represents incremental gun confiscation.

2. Exempted government agencies from the controls which applied to law-abiding citizens. In other words, the government is maintain a distinct advantage over the people in terms of firearms. The concept of self-defense is not protected under this unconstitutional law.

3. The law assumes that all gun owners are enemies of the state. And then only a very narrow range of guns can be purchased, but they must be registered.

4. Authorized vaguely defined state officials to decide what firearms could or could not be owned by private persons. Besides, the police and other members of law enforcement are exempt from the law, so it wasn’t a complete ban:

In addition, LCMs [limited capacity magazines] may be possessed, purchased, or imported by “members or employees of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, police departments, the Department of Correction, the Division of Criminal Justice, the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection or the military or naval forces of this state or of the United States for use in the discharge of their official duties or when off duty. Just like Hitler, the law and the courts created special categories of citizens that can possess the banned guns. No matter how one justifies this and no matter how corrupt a judge may be, this is a 14th Amendment violation because the law does not treat all people the same.

5. As with Hitler, the types of ammunition that were legal were subject to control by governmental bureaucrats.

6. Age retractions of 21 years, not 18 as provided for by Hitler, were applied to anyone who wished to purchase firearms and ammunition.

History Speaks Will America Listen?

Who cares if the government confiscates guns and/or ban guns,  the government will protect us won’t they?

The lesson of the 20th Century genocides can no longer be dismissed as something that could never happen in America. The logic of personal self-defense should be hitting home as our country plunges deeper into the depths of fascist totalitarian control (e.g., Patriot Acts 1&2, the NDAA, Executive Order 13603, the multitude of spying bills which allow for the spying on American citizens who are engaged in ordinary activities).

America may be on the verge of committing “National Suicide by Gun Control”. All totalitarian governments begin their invasion into civil liberties with the promise of safety from whoever plays the convenient role of the “boogey man” of the day. In Nazi Germany, the original boogey man were the communists and then the specter of boogey men kept expanding until anyone who was an enemy of the State needed to be controlled. The totalitarian pleas of “Let us protect you from yourself” ring loudly and clearly through the halls of Congress and in the Oval Office and in an increasing number of mayors and governors’ offices.

Gun control and gun confiscation has preceded every instance of genocide in the 20th century.

Twentieth century governments committed “democide” (i.e. genocide committed by government) to the tune of murdering 262 million of its own citizens according to a University of Hawaii study. Just to give perspective on this incredible rate of murder by government, “this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in” all the of the wars fought in the 20th century.  

How quickly we forget the lessons of history. If we ever allow government to subvert the second amendment, we very well could be witnessing a prelude to an American genocide.

There is nothing as dangerous to a totalitarian regime as an educated and well-armed populace. No Child Left Behind and Common Core are taking care of the well-educated variable. While Connecticut is leading the way in stripping Americans of their right defend themselves from a tyrannical government as called for by the Founding Fathers and the Second Amendment, these gun confiscation laws are taking care of the well-armed variable.

Before we strip away our last line of defense from an increasingly totalitarian government, by acquiescing to the United Nations and American advocates for gun control, perhaps we should examine a partial list of  the end game resulting from past gun control efforts:

1. In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves against their ethnic-cleansing government, were arrested and exterminated.

2. In 1929, the former Soviet Union established gun control as a means of controlling the “more difficult” of their citizens. From 1929 to the death of Stalin, 20 million Soviets met an untimely end at the hand of various governmental agencies as they were arrested and exterminated.

3. After the rise of the Nazi’s, Germany established their version of gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, political dissidents and others, who were unable to defend themselves against the “Nazis”, were arrested and exterminated.

4. After Communist China established gun control in 1935, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves against their fascist leaders, were arrested and exterminated.

5. Closer to home, Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayans, unable to defend themselves against their ruthless dictatorship, were arrested and exterminated.

6. Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves from their dictatorial government, were arrested and exterminated.

7. Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million of the “educated” people, unable to defend themselves against their fascist government, were arrested and exterminated.

The historical voices from the millions of corpses speak loudly and clearly to those Americans who are advocating unreasonable, unconstitutional and for tighter gun control legislation.

Thomas Jefferson was very clear in his writings regarding the right to bear arms. Jefferson knew that the preservation of the Republic ultimately rested upon a well-armed citizenry in a “the government must fear the people approach”. Jefferson felt it was absolutely necessary for American citizens to be able to protect themselves. The protection that Jefferson spoke of was not from our obvious enemies of the day (France and Britain), but from our own government. Jefferson made this point quite clear when he admonished future generations of Americans to fulfill their duty to overthrow a government that failed to serve the needs of the majority of its citizens.

Private ownership of guns is the necessary component needed to fulfill the Jeffersonian mandate for national self-defense. Yet, increasingly and reminiscent of Nazi Germany, the United States government is incrementally chipping away at private citizens right to own a gun. Why? FBI statistics clearly show that 90% of the guns used in the commission of a crime are stolen! Does the government really believe that criminals, both American citizens and illegal aliens, as well as terrorists, are suddenly going to perform their civic duty and immediately register and/or turn in their guns? How is America better-served if the only ones who don’t have access to guns are the law-abiding citizens? So, one must ask who are the gun control laws designed to protect and why?


Please recall the order of events that I am projecting on our march to World War III which falls into line with the crisis in Ukraine.

1. False Flag Event

2. Martial Law and gun confiscation

3. World War III

The gun control legislation is setting the stage for a more effective martial law which will follow an undetermined false flag event. These gun control laws are a good barometer on how far along are the globalist plans to subjugate this country. We are entering into very dangerous ground.

In addition to the gun control issue, Americans need to seriously consider the gun control legislation sweeping the country. Americans also need to prayerfully and cautiously consider the recently leaked military manuals which are the organizations plans of the government, who will use foreign troops to imprison American citizens in what patriots refer to as FEMA camps. The document is entitled and can be referenced at FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF). This document, alone, is why Americans must resist these unconstitutional gun control laws.