Towards a Militarized Police State in America? Explosive New Revelations over “Jade Helm 15 Exercise” and Potential False Flags

May 27, 2015 in Dave Hodges, News by RBN Staff

A growing segment of the American population is waking up to the implications of the Jade Helm 15 military operation to be conducted by Special Forces in conjunction with local law
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November 19, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges, News by RBN Staff

Source: The Dave Hodges Show   The headline is not a mistake. Yes, you can still go to the ATM and withdraw funds. You can take small amounts of cash
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Breaking News (Free Download): Dave Hodges interviews Dr. Jim Garrow with Major Announcement!

July 27, 2014 in Dave Hodges, RBN Updates by RBN Staff

Republic Broadcasting Network Former CIA operative, Dr. Jim Garrow will be joining Dave to discuss the intelligence information he has received with regard to a series of terrorist attacks on
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Need A Job? The GOV’T Is Hiring Trolls

July 27, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Who would have ever thought that there would be people paid by both corporations and various governments to refute messages from the Patriot movement? Also
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Blacklisted: The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You a Terrorist

July 27, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network How do end up on a secret government terror list? Simple, just criticize the administration, visit this website, write a critical editorial, join the
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Dr. Jim Garrow & Terror Attacks, Roger Brown & Death Squads- Susan Knowles Corrupt CPS & Immigration

July 27, 2014 in Dave Hodges, RBN Updates by RBN Staff

Tonight’s show is destined to be a classic. In the first hour, Dave Hodges will be joined by Susan Knowles and they will be discussing the immigration crisis from a
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All Signs Point to a Coming EMP Attack Upon the United States

July 26, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network In the last article, I presented this map and posed the question, why would the military make a decided effort to keep our Navy in
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Border Patrol Agents Reveal The UN is in Control of the Border

July 25, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) has previously met with officials from the U.S., Mexico and various Central American countries on the pretense of
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How The Globalists Will Force America Into The Agenda 21 Urban Area Ghettos

July 23, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network As a result of my contact with confidential sources, in relation to the present illegal immigration crisis and the presence of MS-13, who double
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Proof That the U.S. Financial System is a Criminal Enterprise Operation

July 21, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges, Gold and Silver by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network What was revealed in the previous article should shake the confidence that the public has in the DEA and the federal government as a
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DEA Insider Reveals How Agency Protects Drug Trafficking For The Elite

July 21, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network The information contained in this report is both stunning and frightening. However, to many in the DEA ranks and US intelligence community, this report
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The UN Plot to Confiscate American Guns

July 18, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network UN Document Or Not, the Plot to Disarm America Is Commencing The evidence is mounting that Obama and his colleagues at the United Nations
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The Captains of Enslavement

July 17, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network If I were to begin an article with a statement which promoted the idea that no more than two dozen corporations control every aspect
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Parents, Have You Drugged Your Child Today?

July 17, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Our children will be going back to school anywhere from 3-6 weeks. Over that time span, I plan on publishing some helpful tips on
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Is Your Church Part of the New World Order?

July 15, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network As this Sunday comes and goes, I will not be attending church. With a scant few exceptions the church has been invaded in the
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The CDC and HHS Are Planning for Mass Casualties in the United States

July 10, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network I am presently vacationing at Ground Zero, the location of the greatest pandemic threat in American history and it is all related to unscreened
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Congress Knows About Government Sponsored Child Trafficking & Its Relationship to the Present Immigration Crisis

July 9, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Today was the day that I was going to produce the final chapter on the present immigration crisis. What a difference 24 hours can
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The Gates of Hell Have Opened and the US Is Being Attacked and Occupied

July 8, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Events are coming to light faster than most can report them. To many, the events discussed in this column over the last two to
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The US Military Is Playing the Nuclear Blackmail Card Against UN Occupation Forces

July 7, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Bravo Sierra is a term which can be best applied to the report that the “organic” United States is going to rise up and
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We Desperately Need To Stop The Exploitation Of Our Children

July 6, 2014 in Columnists, Dave Hodges by RBN Staff

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Our children are being exploited. This exploitation must be stopped. This time I am not speaking about Stacy Lynne or Monika Wesolowski, both mothers,
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