Connecticut considering weaponizing drones
Source: WNYW | DAVE COLLINS HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) – Connecticut lawmakers are considering whether the state should become the first in the country to allow police to use drones outfitted with
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Source: WNYW | DAVE COLLINS HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) – Connecticut lawmakers are considering whether the state should become the first in the country to allow police to use drones outfitted with
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Tags: Drones, Legislation, militarized police
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By Chuck Baldwin August 4, 2016 Writing for, Elizabeth Harrington summarized a comprehensive report by a taxpayer watchdog group that chronicles the exponential increase in the militarization of police agencies
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Tags: 2nd Amendment, Ammo Purchase, Gun Control, Gun Rights, Guns, martial law, militarized police, Police, police state, Weapons
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Source: | By Danny F. Quest United Nation military troops may soon arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that
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Tags: Administration, CFR, Civilians, Constitution, Council on Foreign Relations, executive orders, Freedom, Liberty, mainstream media, Media, militarized police, Militarized Police State, msm, Obama, police state, Revolution, UN, US Military
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Source: | By John W. Whitehead for The Rutherford Institute “In too much of policing today, officer safety has become the highest priority. It trumps the rights and safety of suspects. It trumps
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Tags: cops, family dog shooting, Family Dog Shootings, militarized police, paramilitary agencies, Police, police shootings, police state, SWAT
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“Police Chief Greg Conley said the actions of Casebolt are “indefensible,” adding that the officer was “out of control during the incident.” Jane Bishkin, the resigned police officer’s attorney, said
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Tags: excessive force, McKinney Police, militarized police, Police Brutality, police state, Ron Paul
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“But several witnesses – at least three of them veterans with weapons training – say that semi-automatic gunfire dominated the May 17 shootout that left nine dead and 18 wounded.
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Tags: biker shootout, DPS, militarized police, police state, SWAT, Texas, Twin Peaks, Waco
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A growing segment of the American population is waking up to the implications of the Jade Helm 15 military operation to be conducted by Special Forces in conjunction with local law
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Tags: Border Patrol, Conspiracy, Contractors, DEA, dhs, false flags, FBI, Halliburton, ICE, isis, Jade Helm 15, mercenaries, militarized police, police state, Propaganda, War
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Source: TruthVoice April 12, 2015 It is hard to imagine that this surreal story does not originate in a nation run by a violent warlord (or maybe it does),
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Tags: Descent Into Tyranny, militarized police, Police Brutality, State Corruption
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Source: by Todd E. Pierce, January 05, 2015 On October 23, 2001, the Office of Legal Counsel issued a legal opinion that would shock most Americans if they realized
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Tags: militarized police
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Source: Washington Post By Radley Balko June 26, 2014 As part of the American Civil Liberties Union’s recent report on police militarization, the Massachusetts chapter of the organization sent open
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Tags: A.C.L.U., militarized police, S.W.A.T., Special Response Teams
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Source: CBS News By Rebecca Kaplan / CBS News / December 1, 2014, 1:54 PM In the wake of the police response to protests in Ferguson, Missouri last August,
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Tags: Control, federal equipment, militarized police, Obama, oversight
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By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network On July 4th, the United States will celebrate Independence Day once again. But who in the world are we trying to kid? Our founders
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Tags: Big Brother, Freedom, Freedoms, Independence Day, July 4th, Laws, Liberties, Liberty, militarized police, Millions Of Laws, Spying, Surveillance, tyranny
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Police forces are increasingly being armed with heavy weaponry designed for war, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. The organization released a report Tuesday detailing the increasingly militarized weaponry
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Tags: militarized police, Police Abuse, Police Brutality, Police Forces, Police Militarized, SWAT Teams
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Source: Natural News The federal government is out of control yet again, staging a heavily militarized siege of the Bundy cattle ranch in Nevada, where the Bureau of Land Management
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Tags: Bundy cattle ranch, Bundy family, Bureau of Land Management, Clive Bundy, federal government, government siege, militarized police
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