ANALYSIS: To save America, Trump must declare a “New American Revolution”

  Source: Natural News by Mike Adams (Natural News) It is becoming increasingly obvious to nearly everyone that the anti-Trump deep state is utterly out of control. A rogue, lawless cabal of treasonous criminals
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  By TruthNeverTold  

A Constitution in Tatters, A Country in Distress*

    Source: The County Guard * or, Why we fly our flag upside down written by Michelle Konieczny  We believe the citizens of the United States and others who live
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Spain Sent 16,000 Riot Police to Barcelona Port to Prevent a Vote for Independence

  via: Need To Know | By ZeroHedge In an effort to stop the October 1 referendum for the independence of Catalonia, Spain seized control of Catalonia’s finances, confiscated ballots and campaign materials, and
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America Closing In On Civil And Global War

  Source: Chuck Baldwin Live   America is edging closer and closer to both civil and global war. There isn’t much unity in the “United” States these days. Resentment, bitterness,
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Pat Buchanan Asks “Are We Nearing Civil War?”

  Source: Zero Hedge   Authored by Patrick Buchanan via, President Trump may be chief of state, head of government and commander in chief, but his administration is shot
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George Soros in Panic Mode, Calls Trump ‘Con Artist’ and “Dictator”

  Source: | By Tad Cronn   If you want to read a breathtaking exercise in arrogance, hypocrisy and shameless self-glorifying propaganda, read this alarmist screed written by George Soros, who
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Dear readers: Please stop calling us ‘the media.’ There is no such thing.

  Source: Washington Post | By Paul Farhi  To: Everyone From: Paul Farhi Subject: “The media.” Folks, I know a lot of you don’t like the people who work in my chosen
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Tim Kaine’s radical roots

  Source: The Hill | By Ken Blackwell, contributor According to the media, Tim Kaine took a life transforming “mission” trip to Latin America in 1980. Conveniently left out of these stories, are the
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Apostle Paul’s Apparent Satire on Rulers, Taxes, Tributes, Fear and Respect

      Source: WHTT | Charles E Carlson  Romans 13 begins with what seems to be the most politician-friendly statement in the Christian bible.  The  first six verses, believed to be
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Executive Order: United Nations allowed to use Force on US Citizens

  Source: | By Danny F. Quest  United Nation military troops may soon arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that
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10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control

  Source: Activist Post Eric Blair Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans
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Don’t lose hope America, that’s what the left needs you to do

“If you were to closely examine the common thread that ties all of the lefts agenda together, you would see that the destruction of personal responsibility and the belief that
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The Need for a New Black Consciousness in an Era Plagued by Thugs on Both Sides of the Racial Divide

“[Rage] should be directed against the police, their headquarters, and other government officials like the mayor, chief of police, and state representatives that you believe are oppressing your people. After
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Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Source: YouTube Published on Apr 2, 2013  Poem from an Arizona State Patrolman, played on The National Intel Report, Friday, March 30, 2013. Visit — If you CAN handle
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One in five Germans are ready for revolution

Source: Brasscheck TV No other way out VIDEO:   Are we finally getting fed up?

Revolution: Ron Paul’s call for populist uprising, gold standard, gets top movie billing

Source: Washington Examiner The Ron Paul “Revolution” is making its debut in a new political thriller about what happens when the federal government loses control of the economy and foreign
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The Window to Resist Tyranny is Closing Due to the New Super Weapons

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Many talk about the fact that Americans have an estimated 300 million privately owned hand guns as the reason why no foreign power, or
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The Coming Constitutional Convention Contains the Tipping Point for Revolution

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Pursuant to Article 5 of the US Constitution, if 34 states call for a convention, the convention is required to take place. Last week
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Revelation for a Revolution

Source: Youtube Knowledge is Liberating. If you want to see a sheeple awaken to truth, show them this video. If they still deny what took place on April 15th 2013
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