AMERICA: Freedom to Fascism | By Aaron Russo

  Purchase full quality Director’s cut DVD here:… Rate film here – note the divide between reviews of corrupt corporate media and the people:… The true enemies of
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Doug Casey: The Deep State Is the Source of Our Economic Problems

source: By Doug Casey I’d like to address some aspects of the Greater Depression in this essay. I’m here to tell you that the inevitable became reality in 2008. We’ve had
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NJ Governor Signs “Rain Tax” Bill; Residents Can Now BE TAXED When It Rains On Their Property

  via: Lew Rockwell By Mac Slavo In what is one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system, residents of New
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As residents flee New York’s high taxes, state uses intrusive audits to get cash from defectors

  Source: Fox News | By Lukas Mikelionis New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blames the Trump administration’s tax reforms for his states $2.3 billion budget deficit New York state goes to extraordinary lengths
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Amazon will pay $0 in taxes on $11,200,000,000 in profit for 2018

  Source: Yahoo | Kristin Myers While some people have received some surprise tax bills when filing their returns, corporations continue to avoid paying tax — thanks to a cocktail of tax credits, loopholes,
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California Dreaming – How to Leave & Fast

  via: Lew Rockwell By Martin Armstrong Armstrong Economics Once upon a time, they use to write songs about California Dreaming. It is now turned 180 degrees to the main dreaming in
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Minister Says Macron’s Anti-Crisis Measures to Cost 8-10 Bn Euros for France

  Source: Sputnik   Earlier today, French President Emmanuel Macron announced measures in response to dissatisfied protestors. Their cost would range between 8-10 billion euros ($9.1-$11.4 billion), Olivier Dussopt, French
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Paris protests are about rising gas taxes but the dishonest American media won’t tell you why: “Climate change”

  Source: Intellihub By J.D. Heyes – December 5, 2018 When POTUS Donald Trump said during his 2016 campaign that, if elected, he would withdraw the United States from the “terrible” Paris
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Macron Blinks: France Suspends Fuel Tax Hike After “Yellow Vest” Riots… But It’s Not Enough

  Source: Zero Hedge by Tyler Durden  Update: Despite French President Emmanuel Macron letting his people “eat cake” with a six-month suspension of the government’s new “climate change” fuel taxes, the so-called “Yellow Vest” movement
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New PlayStation Tax Shows How Greedy Politicians Can Be

  Source: The Mind Unleashed By Freedom for Economic Education “If it moves, tax it.” That’s government’s eternal motto, as Ronald Reagan quipped. To this, the city government of Chicago has
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IRS defends paying refunds to illegals who never filed taxes

  Source: The Washington Times By Stephen Dinan   The IRS is defending its decision to let illegal immigrants claim up to three years’ refunds on income even if they never paid income taxes,
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Trilateral Commission Member Seeks To Replace Germany’s Angela Merkel

  Source:   WRITTEN BY: RALF BOSEN, JON SHELTON NOVEMBER 19, 2018 As in America, Trilateral Commission members and policies have dominated both sides of the political spectrum in Europe for
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Legal challenge likely for San Francisco business tax to help homeless

  Source: The Press Democrat | By JANIE HAR, ASSOCIATED PRESS SAN FRANCISCO — San Francisco voters approved a tax on the city’s wealthiest companies Tuesday in an attempt to alleviate
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The Inevitable Failure of Public Pensions

  Source: Mises Institute By Justin Murray Unless your primary news feed is Facebook, you’ve probably been exposed to the fact that public pensions are in pretty big trouble with funding. Being
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“Let’s Dismantle IRS: This Racket is Busted”

  via: email Source: By Paul Andrew Mitchell Private Attorney General All Rights Reserved without Prejudice It’s time to dismantle the Internal Revenue Service.  This organization has outlived its usefulness.
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Democrats Release Tax Hike Plan

  Source: Forbes | Ryan Ellis This week, Congressional Democrats released a detailed tax hike plan that they promised to implement if given majority control of the House and Senate after the 2018 midterm elections. So
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With Corruption Like This, It’s No Wonder So Many Pension Funds Are Insolvent

  Source: Zero Hedge   Authored by Simon Black via, Last week, the head of a New York state pension fund found herself a new job. Vicki Fuller, the former
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source: PFW.NEWS by JOSEPH JANKOWSKI In 2017, the American people spent more money on taxes than on clothing and food combined, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s data on consumer expenditures released this
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Encouraging Abortion With US Tax Dollars

  Source: WHTT   Republican Congress Using Defense Bill to Fund Planned Parenthood and Aborted-Baby-Parts Research ( – The Republican-controlled Congress is moving to enact a Defense appropriations bill that
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535 US Elected Politicians Fail to Oppose War Funding Tactics

  Source: WHTT By Charles E Carlson  White House War policy starts a squeeze on gasoline prices (and lots of other prices) while Congress watches. Concord Coalition’s Steve Winn tells the
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