The Big Steal Is Underway but Trump Won’t Surrender

  Source: News With Views | By Cliff Kincaid  Fox News and other media keep showing the “popular vote” for president. Twitter should put a warning flag on that but won’t. Our system
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Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo: Line Up and Shoot Non-Woke Business Leaders and He’ll ‘Happily’ Do the Video

  Source: Conservative Journal Twitter has handed out lifetime bans for a lot less than this tweet, which former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo tweeted Wednesday night: Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo
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George Soros and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Linked to U-Haul that Provided Supplies to Potential Rioters

  Source: Need To Know | National File Holly Zoller, a “bail disruptor” for the Soros-linked Bail Project, rented and drove a U-Haul truck and handed out shields to potential rioters in
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BOOM! Crooked Hillary Tries to Tell Trump How to do His Job – Gets Instantly Destroyed on Twitter!

source: BOOM! Crooked Hillary Tries to Tell Trump How to do His Job – Gets Instantly Destroyed on Twitter! 15 hours ago Rushmore Daily Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit
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Meet The “Virtuous Pedophile” Network Protected By Twitter The “Minor-Attracted Persons” Movement Is Led By A Canadian Doctor Who Demands A “P” In “LGBT,” And Twitter Is Accommodating Them.

source: Social media now has an out in the open pedophile movement pushing to (among other things) add P for “Pedosexual” to the LGBT acronym, and it’s being led by pedophile expert
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UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Twitter Engineers To “Ban a Way of Talking” Through “Shadow Banning,” Algorithms to Censor Opposing Political Opinions

  Source: Project Veritas | by Staff Report   Steven Pierre, Twitter engineer explains “shadow banning,” says “it’s going to ban a way of talking” Former Twitter software engineer Abhinav Vadrevu on
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Legal challenge likely for San Francisco business tax to help homeless

  Source: The Press Democrat | By JANIE HAR, ASSOCIATED PRESS SAN FRANCISCO — San Francisco voters approved a tax on the city’s wealthiest companies Tuesday in an attempt to alleviate
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Supreme Court agrees to hear a case that could determine whether Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies can censor their users

  Source: CNBC   The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could determine whether users can challenge social media companies on free speech grounds. The case, Manhattan
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  via: BLACKLISTED NEWS SOURCE: KURT NIMMO Both the Free Thought Project and The Anti-Media lost their social media accounts in a coordinated attack today by Facebook and Twitter.  Caitlin Johnstone@caitoz
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Michael Avenatti Locks Account After Admitting Kavanaugh Accuser Might Not Come Forward

  Source: Breitbart Attorney Michael Avenatti said his client might now not come forward against Brett Kavanaugh, and then locked his Twitter public profile from view. After two days of
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  Source: Steadfast and Loyal | By STEVEN AHLE This could be interesting. Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey will be testifying this week to at least two House committees on Twitter’s shadow
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  via: BLACKLISTED NEWS SOURCE: ZEROHEDGE Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted to CNN‘s Brian Stelter on Saturday what has been obvious for some time; Twitter employees have “more left-leaning” bias. And while that’s not
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Who’s the threat to US democracy? Sen. Murphy, Trump Jr. spar after Alex Jones ban

  Source: RT   Democrat Senator Chris Murphy clashed online with Donald Trump Jr over whether the controversial ban of Alex Jones from social media has signaled a rise of
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Censorship Is What Happens When Powerful People Get Scared

  Source: Zero Hedge   Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, “Only the weak hit the fly with a hammer.” – Bangambiki Habyarimana Anyone who tells you the
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DNC serves WikiLeaks with lawsuit via Twitter

source: By CBS News Intellihub editor’s note: It appears the deep state is doing everything in their power to go full force after those who put out the truth. Alex Jones, WikiLeaks,
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The Crackdown Continues: Twitter Suspends Libertarian Accounts, Including Ron Paul Institute Director

  Source: Zero Hedge One day after what appeared to be a coordinated attack by media giants Facebook, Apple, Spotify and Google on Alex Jones, whose various social media accounts
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Twitter suspends Ron Paul Institute executive’s account, one day after Big Tech blocks InfoWars

  Source: RT   Several Libertarian figures, including the Ron Paul Institute director, have found their Twitter accounts suspended. It comes after tech giants went after right-wing journalist Alex Jones,
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Paul Joseph Watson’s Latest Stories on Internet Censorship and Societal Breakdowns

  PAUL JOSEPH WATSON Paul Joseph Watson is the editor-at-large of His articles have been featured hundreds of times on the internationally renowned Drudge…READ MORE  THE PURGE Paul Joseph
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  via: BLN   SOURCE: ZERO HEDGE A Wednesday article in VICE confirmed a report from last week by the Daily Wire‘s Ryan Saavedra which revealed that Twitter has been “shadow banning” conservative users by limiting the
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Judge Rules Twitter Can Be Sued For Falsely Advertising They Allow Free Speech

  Source: Zero Hedge Authored by Mac Slavo via, A California judge has ruled that social media giant Twitter can be sued for falsely advertising free speech. As Bloomberg reports, the judge
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