Woman Arrested for Throwing Malnourished Puppy Out of Car Window

  Source: Western Journal | By Laura Stewart A woman in Houston has been arrested after reportedly throwing a malnourished puppy out of her car window and driving away. The suspect, 31-year-old Princess
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Watch: Disgusting Brawl Erupts in Basketball Game, Overwhelmed Refs Can Only Look On

  Source: Western Journal High school basketball is, for the likes of legends like LeBron James and Kobe Bryant, a steppingstone on the path to the NBA. What happened in Alton,
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The Two Paths to Collapse

  Source: Of Two Minds   The very structure of our systems guarantees their failure once conditions change beyond their limited ability to adjust. As a general rule, there are
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  Source: The Independent   Mo is an incel – a member of a dark online community of men that has directed deadly violence against the women they say have rejected
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Paul Joseph Watson’s Latest Stories on Internet Censorship and Societal Breakdowns

  PAUL JOSEPH WATSON Paul Joseph Watson is the editor-at-large of Infowars.com. His articles have been featured hundreds of times on the internationally renowned Drudge…READ MORE  THE PURGE Paul Joseph
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  Source: Red Right Videos | TORI MCNABB A Twitter user posted this: Vincent James@RealVinceJames Third world immigrants swim and wash their sweaty feet in a WWII memorial. Many say that “anyone” should be
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The Legalization Of Deviant Behavior

  Source: News With Views America has undergone a radical transformation and the average American is oblivious to what has occurred.  As the average “Deplorable” laments the decline of this
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What Is Social Justice?

  Source: Lew Rockwell | By Hunter Lewis, Mises.org “Progressives” tend to think of themselves as warriors for racial, gender, and economic equality. The latter they equate with “social justice.” But is economic equality
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UNESCO Promotes Multi-Pronged Approach To Resilient Cities

  via: Technocracy.news WRITTEN BY: MODERN DIPLOMACY FEBRUARY 19, 2018 UN technocrats are obsessed with control and micro-management of people in cities, and the implementation of the seventeen so-called ‘Sustainable Development Goals’.
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Never said better …

  via: email Time is like a river.  You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again.  Franklin Graham was speaking at the First
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Former Russian EMBARRASSES CNN on National TV [VIDEO]

  Source: The Black Sphere Leave it to a nationalized Russian to school CNN on Americanism. While CNN fished for fake news narratives around Nazis, they happened upon a Russian-turned-US-citizen.
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Charleston Mayor Tells Al Sharpton Group To Raise Your Damn Kids

  via: Freedom4um Charleston Mayor Tells Al Sharpton Groump To Raise Your Damn Kids That Would Stop Crime Or get the latest news on my home page: http://www.commonsensenation.net/

Majority of Americans Believe U.S. Losing its Culture and Identity

  via: The European Union Times A new study has found that 55% of the U.S. public believe America is in danger of losing its culture and identity. Non-partisan research
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NFL Star Bryant: Black People Hold Each Other Back, ‘Lead By Example’

  Source: MRCTV |  Nick Kangadis (Image: Screenshot/YouTube) It’s not often you hear common sense come from a professional athlete or Hollywood elitist, but one NFL player doesn’t buy into racism
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The Political Class Murders Itself

  Source: The Z Blog The point at which the Roman Republic moved from republic to empire is generally placed at the point when the Senate granted Octavian almost unlimited
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Defending Free Speech – Steve Simpson, Ayn Rand Institute

Freedom of speech is indispensable to a free and civilized society, yet this precious right is increasingly under attack today. On February 22, 2017, Steve Simpson of the Ayn Rand
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What’s So Bad About Globalism?

  Source: Taki’s Magazine | By Jim Goad As far as I can tell, globalism is a scheme concocted by the rich to destroy the working and middle classes through worldwide financial
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Watch Theresa May’s First Official Remarks as U.K. Prime Minister

Theresa May has become British Prime Minister, succeeding David Cameron after a brief audience with Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace. Speaking outside Number 10 Downing Street after taking office,
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A Reasoned Response to a Reader About Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Robert Spencer, and Pamela Geller

Veterans Today | Jonas E. Alexis | January 4, 2016 I have no interest whatsoever in attacking a person, who can be good, bad, and indifferent. I am interested in dissecting arguments, ideologies, and
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Carolina Sheriff Explains what will happen if a Man Follows his Wife into a Bathroom: “I’m Gonna make the News”

Freedom Outpost | TIM BROWN | APRIL 14, 2016 With all of the issues that we face as a society, it’s bathrooms being open to the mentally ill people who can’t check their
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