Orchestrating an All-Encompassing Conception of the Legitimate Domains of Government Control over Individuals

Invisible Serfs Collar If anyone managed to avoid the fury over this past weekend over the Obama Administration’s Transgender Bathroom decrees http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-201605-title-ix-transgender.pdf and this  http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/oshs/emergingpractices.pdf , you either have a set of
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Carolina Sheriff Explains what will happen if a Man Follows his Wife into a Bathroom: “I’m Gonna make the News”

Freedom Outpost | TIM BROWN | APRIL 14, 2016 With all of the issues that we face as a society, it’s bathrooms being open to the mentally ill people who can’t check their
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