Christine Blasey Ford and her Family’s Long and Deep Relationship with the C.I.A.

  via: Freedom4um Post Date: 2018-10-01 06:58:10 by ndcorup  The Accuser = Dr Christine Basley-Ford, who is just an innocent woman wanting to do the right thing – yet has accused Brett Kavanaugh
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7 Uranium One Facts Every American Should Know

  Source: Breitbart | ADAM SHAW  Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration find themselves at the center of an explosive scandal involving the transfer of 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to
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James Comey shows Americans that law does not apply to the elite

  Source: by Michael Scheuer   James Comey admits to taking official government documents home and then giving them to the NY Times; he directly contradicts his 3 May 2017,
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CONFIRMED: DNC paid the ‘Russian’ founder of CrowdStrike to hack its server so it could be blamed on Russia!

  DNC Hackers Finally Identified  Source: The Millenium Report Would you trust this guy with technically verifying who perpetrated the alleged Russian hack?  Believe it or not, the above photo
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Woman found guilty and faces year in jail for laughing at Jeff Sessions

  Source: Independent   She laughed at the idea that Sessions treats all Americans equally Clark Mindock New York The woman was arrested after laughing during the hearing

FBI ‘Witch Hunt’ for Dissenting Media May Threaten Press Freedom in US

  Source: Sputnik As the FBI confirms its investigation into news organizations, the First Amendment could potentially become a victim of anti-Russia hysteria. Radio Sputnik’s Loud and Clear spoke with Tim
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The Political Class Murders Itself

  Source: The Z Blog The point at which the Roman Republic moved from republic to empire is generally placed at the point when the Senate granted Octavian almost unlimited
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James Comey Just Explained How Establishment Media Legally Creates Fake News

  Source: DC Whispers   Check out this quote from FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to Congress today: “…It’s perfectly legal for someone attending a classified briefing to LIE TO
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Trey Gowdy Finds Out FBI Director James Comey Won’t Obey The Law & He’s Pissed

  Trey Gowdy New James Comey Russia Active Measures Interference Investigation Congress Hearing 3/20/2017


  Source: Conservative Videos “Do you honestly believe that a lady, a woman of vast intelligence who was a first lady of the United States, who was a senator —
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BOOM! Rep Gowdy DESTROYS FBI Director Comey in House Hearing on Email Scandal (VIDEO)

  via: (Gateway Pundit) – Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) DESTROYED FBI Director James Comey during House hearing on her email scandal. Rep Gowdy had the FBI Director answer direct
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They described this as a “Grilling” …

Source: Brasscheck TV Live breaking news – FBI head grilled by Congress  Comey the crook does his song and dance  People have forced the Congress to pay attention  The FBI
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