7 Uranium One Facts Every American Should Know

  Source: Breitbart | ADAM SHAW  Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration find themselves at the center of an explosive scandal involving the transfer of 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to
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Fmr. FBI Assistant Director: James Comey Let Down the Citizens of This Country

  Source: Fox Business | By Matthew Wisner Watch the latest video at <a href=”http://video.foxbusiness.com”>video.foxbusiness.com</a> With Hillary Clinton’s email scandal continuing to weigh on her campaign, former FBI Assistant Director James
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Liar Liar Pants On Fire Hillary Song

Download available here: https://safeshare.tv/x/kXjbXGyQDsE

Dobbs: The Clinton cartel emits the foulest stench of all

FBN’s Lou Dobbs on the differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns.

Tainted Vaccine Scandal Sparks Fear, Anger in China

via Radio Free Asia Parents and medical professionals hit out on Monday at a lack of official transparency surrounding the continuing problem of unsafe vaccines as authorities in Shandong said they
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IRS Seizes A Store Owner’s Life Savings – But They Never Thought They’d Have to Do This With It

TeaParty.com The IRS doesn’t exactly have the best reputation. From their unfair (and illegal) targeting of Tea Party non-profits, to their overly burdensome and difficult tax laws they’re just not
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Watchdog Proves that Government Agency has been Lying about Climate Change Data!

Last Resistance | Onan Coca | January 21, 2016  A non-profit watchdog group’s lawsuit against the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration may have spurred the agency to release documents to a congressional committee
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Dutch government refuses to reveal ‘secret deal’ into MH17 crash probe – Intellihub.com

Source: Intellihub The Dutch government has refused to reveal details of a secret pact between members of the Joint Investigation Team examining the downed Flight MH17. If the participants, including
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Bundy ranch stand-off: Government helicopters shot cattle multiple times ‘for fun’

Source: RT As the ongoing saga between Nevada ranch owner Cliven Bundy and the federal government continues, the rancher’s son claims federal agents killed multiple cattle during their roundup, shooting
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‘NSA, GCHQ criminals way ahead of the law in Britain and US’

Source: RT There are people trying to make money on the data leak scare, introducing new gadgets, but it doesn’t stop GCHQ or the NSA intercepting the data on its
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Richard Russell – The Greatest Scandal In US History

Source: King World News With continued chaos around the world and uncertainty in global markets, today KWN is publishing an incredibly powerful piece that was written by a 60-year market
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