New Emails Show How Monsanto Stifles Criticism

Source: The International Forecaster | By James Corbett The Seralini debacle is a perfect case study of how industry conspires with cooperative scientists to help bury information that is harmful to its
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DOJ Drops Bombshell against Hillary Clinton’s Email Investigation: “It’s a Law Enforcement Matter”

Freedom Outpost | TIM BROWN | MAY 3, 2016 Hillary Clinton has laughed off the probe into her illegal email server which has compromised hundreds of classified documents. She has mocked the FBI
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This Map Shows How the Apple-FBI Fight Was About Much More Than One Phone

ACLU Blog | By Eliza Sweren-Becker, Attorney, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project | MARCH 30, 2016 | 9:00 AM The government insisted that its effort to force Apple to help break into
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Watchdog Proves that Government Agency has been Lying about Climate Change Data!

Last Resistance | Onan Coca | January 21, 2016  A non-profit watchdog group’s lawsuit against the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration may have spurred the agency to release documents to a congressional committee
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Sandy Hook FOIA Killed By Commission

“The FOIA Commission met on July 8 to determine if Wolfgang Halbig’s complaints on false paperwork and missing documents was held in Newtown, Conn. See Wolfgang’s reaction to this blatant
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FOIA Request On Effectiveness Of License Plate Readers Greeted With A Blank Stare By Virginia Police Department

Source: Tech Dirt Law enforcement agencies are generally pretty happy with their automatic license plate readers. It allows them to harvest millions of plate/location records without having to exit their
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