FDA Set To Ban Prepper Access To Over-The-Counter Antibiotics: “We Can Surely Expect To See Shortages”

via: Freedom Outpost | MAC SLAVO  Because the government must maintain direct control over everything we consume, the FDA is now set to ban access to over-the-counter antiobiotic medications. Such medications,
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Officials: “Historic crisis” along US West Coast… “We’re facing a fishery disaster”… “Very never-seen-before things”… Should be exclamation alarm to public — Extinction threat for salmon runs; Loss of sardines, squid, sea urchins, kelp; Massive sea star deaths; Marine mammal strandings… more

  ENENews | Published: February 23rd, 2016 at 9:37 am ET Press Democrat, Feb 11, 2016 (emphasis added): Scientists and lawmakers foresee grim outlook for California’s ocean fisheries… the outlook is overwhelmingly
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Sixth Mass Extinction Really Started Thousands of Years Ago

“Not long ago (at least on the Earth’s timescale), our world was host to incredible beasts of magnificent proportions. Giant cave lions, larger than those in present-day Africa, roamed North America and
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Michigan cops go on trial after shooting dog in front of owner

Source: RT The fatal shooting of a dog by law enforcement officers in Michigan late last year was premeditated, according to the attorney of the pet’s owner. On November 22,
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Bundy ranch stand-off: Government helicopters shot cattle multiple times ‘for fun’

Source: RT As the ongoing saga between Nevada ranch owner Cliven Bundy and the federal government continues, the rancher’s son claims federal agents killed multiple cattle during their roundup, shooting
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A Ban On Owning Farm Animals? Michigan Is Considering It

Source: Off The Grid News Keeping even one “farm animal” in residential neighborhoods could soon be illegal in Michigan. That’s because a proposed change to state regulations could strip property
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