Let’s Face It: The U.S. Constitution Has Failed

  via: Lew Rockwell By Charles Hugh Smith OfTwoMinds.com Elections provide the bread-and-circuses staged drama that is passed off as democracy. Despite the anything-goes quality of American culture, one thing remains
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FOIA Docs Reveal Obama FBI Covered Up “Chart” Of Potential Hillary Clinton Crimes

  Source: Zero Hedge | by Tyler Durden  The top brass of the Obama FBI went to great lengths to justify their decision not to recommend charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
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BREAKING: Deep state criminals and traitors to all be OUTED as President Trump approves wide-ranging release of FISA documents, FBI texts and more

  Source: News Target | By Mike Adams This is a breaking news alert with huge implications for the future of our country. (See full analysis videos, below.) According to a White House statement:
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by: Harley Schlanger August 19 — The revocation of former CIA chief John Brennan’s security clearance by President Trump should just be a first step toward reversing the damage that
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Trump revokes ex-CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance

  Source: Fox News | By Brooke Singman Watch the latest video at foxnews.com President Trump revokes John Brennan’s security clearance White House press secretary Sarah Sanders reads a statement from President Trump,
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Why Confronting Israel Is Important

  Source: The Unz Review The Jewish state is no friend By PHILIP GIRALDI I am often asked why I have this “thing” about Israel, with friends suggesting that I would
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How The FBI And CIA Restarted The Cold War To Protect Themselves

  Source: Zero Hedge Authored by Thomas Farnan via Townhall.com, On December 29, 2016, the Obama Administration – with three weeks remaining in its term – issued harsh sanctions against
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Trump’s homeland security adviser Bossert resigns on Bolton’s request

  Source: Reuters | Steve Holland, Dustin Volz WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump’s homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, has resigned at the request of new national security adviser John Bolton,
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Netanyahu: Soros-Backed New Israel Fund Seeking to ‘Erase’ Israel’s Jewish Character

  Source: Breitbart | by AARON KLEIN Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the radical New Israel Fund (NIF) of working through European states to persuade Rwanda to refuse a deal whereby the African
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  via: BLN SOURCE: BUSINESS INSIDER     As director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo reportedly set up small teams of commandos to kill suspected terrorists, according to a report by BuzzFeed.
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Rand Paul vows to block Trump’s nominees to run State and CIA

  Source: Washington Examiner | by Susan Ferrechio Sen. Rand Paul announced Wednesday he will oppose the nominations of both Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel, who President Trump has selected to serve as
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Gordon Chang: Trump Must Stop Foreign Takeover of Qualcomm Before China Gets 5G Tech-Controlling ‘Devices in Your Home, Workplace, and Car’

  Source: Breitbart by ROBERT KRAYCHIK    Gordon Chang, an expert on China, columnist at The Daily Beast, and author of Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World, spoke Wednesday with co-hosts
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Report: Russia ‘Dossier’ Based on 10-Year-Old Wall Street Journal Articles

  Source: Breitbart | JOEL B. POLLAK    Lee Smith of Tablet magazine has traced the origins of the Russia “dossier” — the Democrat-funded opposition research project that may have laid the
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Former FBI Official: Halting Immigration is ‘Not Who We Are,’ Americans Must ‘Adjust’ to Terrorism

  Source: Breitbart | JOHN BINDER   A former official with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says Americans will have to “adjust” to a new country where terrorism is routine because
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Report: Single Men from Afghanistan to Be Resettled as Refugees in U.S. After Trump Fails to Halt Australia Deal

  Source: Breitbart | JOHN BINDER Single men from Afghanistan are among the roughly 1,200 Middle Eastern refugees detained in Australia who have been approved for resettlement in the United States after President
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THIS is Who was REMOVED from JFK File Release 2017 – Truth is Stranger than Fiction

By Bright Insight Wait, so after 54 years they are STILL not releasing ALL files involving the JFK investigation? Let me translate this…it means that a person(s) is still alive today,
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FBI committed TREASON under COMEY: Surveillance on Americans illegally leaked to other nations

  Source: Natural News | By: Ethan Huff As the American media machine continues its baseless attacks against President Trump, lobbing unsubstantiated accusations against him on the daily regarding imaginary connections
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Federal Court Demands Release Of Hillary’s State Dept Emails On Benghazi Attack

  Source: Zero Hedge A Washington DC federal court judge has ordered the State Department to turn over Hillary Clinton’s emails that immediately followed the terrorist attack in Benghazi to
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India and Israel Sign Unprecedented $2 Billion Arms Deal

  New Israeli missiles in the arms deal serve no real purpose for India says TRNN’s Shir Hever Source: The Real News Network Biography Shir Hever is an Economist working
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Lee Stranahan: ‘Ideological Coup’ By Kushner-Linked Goldman Globalists Destroying Trump White House

  Source: Zero Hedge After Wikileaks revelations that Citigroup picked Obama’s cabinet, it appears the Trump administration is succumbing to ‘same globalism, different bank.’ Weeks after the Daily Mail exposed an internal struggle
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