Starved, ‘mutilated’ and blackmailed migrants auctioned off as slaves by smugglers in Libya

  The migrants are forced to work as slaves after they run out of money to pay the smugglers to find them passage to Europe. Source: International Business Times | Lara Rebello
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The REAL cause of Europe’s “refugee” invasion

  An excerpt from a 2016 John Pilger interview of Julian Assange. It shows how all this “crisis” is only a surprise for those who trust the ones in power.
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US-Dominated NATO & Israel – Humanity’s Greatest Threat

  via: | By Stephen Lendman NATO’s killing machine partnered with Israel as an alliance Mediterranean Dialogue member threaten world peace and stability. Their agenda prioritizes militarism and warmaking, not
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Federal Court Demands Release Of Hillary’s State Dept Emails On Benghazi Attack

  Source: Zero Hedge A Washington DC federal court judge has ordered the State Department to turn over Hillary Clinton’s emails that immediately followed the terrorist attack in Benghazi to
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Assange brands Clinton ‘butcher of Libya’ & requests Sweden scrap detention order

  Source: RT   Julian Assange has fired back at Hillary Clinton, branding her the “butcher of Libya” in a scathing response to the former presidential candidate’s labeling of WikiLeaks
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Iran, second Middle Eastern state to detach from Dollar

  Source: WHTT Editor CEC Comments:  Hopefully there will be enough pressure on President Trump to prevent a bombing IRAN. It has set itself up as a target by disconnecting from
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Mainline Protestants Awaken to Their Peacemaker Calling

  Source: WHTT Posted by Charles E Carlson  October 24, 2016 The responsibility to restore peace must first be recognized in churches.  We, who worry about the next and bigger war, must
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Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Rebels to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War

  via: D. C. Clothesline | By Matt Agorist for The Free Thought Project  In April of 2013, Britain and France informed the United Nations that there was credible evidence that Syria used
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Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to ‘protect’ Clinton

  Source: Fox News | By Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne EXCLUSIVE: American arms dealer Marc Turi, in his first television interview since criminal charges against him were dropped, told Fox News
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The US War on Terror Has Cost $5 Trillion and Increased Terrorism by 6,500%

  Source: The Anti-Media |  Darius Shahtahmasebi On September 11, 2001, one of the most tragic events in recent American history took place. Close to 3,000 civilians lost their lives in horrific
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Paul Craig Roberts Exposes “The Stench Of Raw Propaganda”

  Source: Zero Hedge | By Paul Craig Roberts  I just heard the rawest kind of propaganda from former presstitute David Satter, who hangs out at the right-wing Hudson Institute and pretends
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WikiLeaks Leaked Email: Hillary Supplied Cash, Weapons & Tanks to Al-Qaeda to Kill Gaddafi & Ship Weapons for Terror

  A confidential intelligence email obtained by True Pundit provides proof that President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton created a secret and illegal alliance between the United States
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While Clinton Hid Emails, $6 Billion Went Missing in Her State Dept.

    Source: Clinton Journal | By Aaron Dykes The political world is swarming over revelations that Hillary Clinton hid her emails during her time as Secretary of State. She apparently
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Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

via: Zero Hedge | By  ERIC ZUESSE for Strategic Culture The great investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, in two previous articles in the London Review of Books («Whose Sarin?» and «The Red Line and the Rat Line») has reported
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Hillary’s email revelation: France and US killed Qaddafi for his gold and oil

  Anon News By: Bob Fitrakis of FREE PRESS  With the recent release of Hillary Clinton’s emails by Wikileaks, the public now knows exactly how the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) went
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Clinton Emails Reveal Plan To Destroy Syria, Target Iran, Threaten Assad’s Family

By Brandon Turbeville The Hillary Clinton emails have recently been released by virtue of Clinton’s use of a private email server, WikiLeaks, and the Freedom of Information Act and they stand as potentially
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Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks

American Free Press | By Pete Papaherakles | February 10, 2012 By Pete Papaherakles  Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the
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Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It

ANTIMEDIA | Michaela Whitton | March 21, 2016  United Kingdom — On Wednesday, a major archive containing over 30,000 of Hillary Clinton’s emails were released. Though the State Department began releasing the emails in
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Why Are U.S. Troops Still in Libya? | Guest Columnist | Mar 4, 2016 On 27 January, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook confirmed that there was a “small group” of U.S. forces in Libya: “There have been some U.S. forces
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What Difference Does It Make?

  This came from a kind, proud American who served in the Military and is not one to send a story to provoke an argument rather to remain a team
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