Children in All 50 States Being Taught Revolutionary War Was Fought To Promote Slavery

  Source: Post News The New York Times’ 1619 Project — a curriculum that makes the fantastical claim that a primary cause of the Revolutionary War was the colonists’ desire
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Beginning of US Slavery

  Source: Lew Rockwell | By Walter E. Williams The New York Times has begun a major initiative, the “1619 Project,” to observe the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It
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If We Take Our Morals Backwards To Judge Historical Action – Shouldn’t We Judge Actions Today?

  By Je Suis Spike for RBN   Illustrating stupidity with like. In so much as Colin Kapfpjapgernick (or whatever) has convinced Nike (of the sWHOOSH) to withdraw from shelves
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‘Blame Whitey Movement’ — Former ACLU Exec Slams Reparations ‘Buffoonery’

  Source: Lew Rockwell | By Scott Morefield, Daily Caller Former ACLU Executive Committee member Michael Meyers criticized the slavery reparations movement as “sheer racial rhetoric” and “buffoonery.” Appearing on Friday night’s
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Black Minister Asks “What If Whites Strike Back Against Race-Baiters and Race-Warmongers?”

  Source: Independent Minute   It would serve race mongers well to consider that even a docile old dog will bite you if you mistreat it often enough and long
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Because of ‘the atrocities of the past,’ Charleston officially apologizes for slavery

  Source: The State BY NOAH FEIT It wasn’t easy and it was far from unanimous, but it is official. Charleston has formally apologized for its role in slavery.
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Huckabee: D’Souza, Richard Dreyfuss Discuss Border Crisis

  [Note: Posted by Dinesh D’Souza]

Starved, ‘mutilated’ and blackmailed migrants auctioned off as slaves by smugglers in Libya

  The migrants are forced to work as slaves after they run out of money to pay the smugglers to find them passage to Europe. Source: International Business Times | Lara Rebello
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ESPN Lost 480,000 Subscribers in October

  via: Gov’t Slaves There are a variety of ways, in which businesses judge whether they’re having a successful business day. However, if you’re losing over 15,000 customers a day,
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Whatever Happened to America?

  Source: Paul Craig Roberts Dear Friends and Supporters, this is my quarterly call for your financial support. There is no one who will write for you more frankly and
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Black Lives Matter Organizer Tells Whites: Nothing You Own is Yours

  Source: IWB | by Mark Angelides In what may be the latter stages of absolute lunacy, BLM organizer Ashleigh Shackelford, has written an article that boils down to: white folk need
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Did Richard Spencer Open The Eyes Of Charles Barkley?


This is killing America (No one can disprove any of it)

  This shows exactly how the bankers manipulated the system to their advantage and made every person in the U.S. their slaves. We can revolt, and can take this country
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Whoopi Said Trump Nominee Wants to Bring Back Slavery, The View Removed Video

Source: On Friday’s The View, Whoopi Goldberg waxed hysterical that Donald Trump’s attorney general nominee Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions worries her because he wants to bring back slavery. Goldberg’s co-host
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If a Government Can Deny Any One Truth Government Can Deny Any Other Truth or Even All Truth*

By Je Suis Spike     If a government can deny any one truth, it can deny any other truth.  If a government can lie by changing the meaning of
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Happy Christmas! But What Did Jesus Mean by “Happy”?

WHTT | Posted by Charles E Carlson | December 21, 2015  As many of us celebrate Jesus’ birth, may peace be upon us…if we are willing to struggle for it.  For no condition
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South Carolina governor hails Confederate flag vote as ‘a new day’

“The House had bogged down as lawmakers filed more than 70 amendments. Finally, shortly before 1 a.m., all the amendments had been cleared away and the House held a preliminary
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What Really Started the Civil War

“The war resulted from causes unrelated to slavery and abolition. It was entirely a consequence of the Southern states’ secession, which occurred despite the undeniable fact that the slave states
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“Contrarily, Confederate General Robert E. Lee freed his slaves (which he never purchased – they were inherited) in 1862!!! Lee freed his slaves several years before the war was over,
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Obama: “Order and Progress Can Only Come When Individuals Surrender Their Rights to an All-Powerful Sovereign”

“Once these words are shown, will anyone be brave enough in the Lame stream media to ask Obama just what he meant by stating, “Ordinary men and women are too
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