Shopping Center Caves to the Left, Refuses To Renew Chick-fil-A Lease Over Donations to Christian Groups

  Source: Western Journal | By Andrew J. Sciascia The gluttonous monster that is progressive outrage culture feasted once again this week on its favorite American fast-food chain. According to the BBC, the first
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Curious Bedfellows: The Neocon and Progressive Alliance to Destroy Donald Trump

source: BY PHILIP GIRALDI The Roman poet Ovid’s masterful epic The Metamorphoses includes the memorable opening line regarding the poem’s central theme of transformation. He wrote In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas corpora, which
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7 Staggering Quotes Made by Progressive Democrats’ New Star

  Source: The Daily Signal   Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shocked political observers in June after defeating 10-term incumbent Congressman Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., in the Democratic primary for New York’s 14th District
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California: Progressive Laws and Policies Encourage More Crime and Homelessness

  Source: Need To Know | Fox News As California’s economy continues to devolve, crime is rising. Inside Edition went to San Francisco to investigate the increase in car break-ins and, not only did
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Orwell’s Doublespeak: The Language of the Left

  Source: The Federal Observer   Leftists tolerate differences in race, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic status but are extremely intolerant of differences of opinion George Orwell introduced the language of
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Why I Left the Left

  Source: Prager U | Presented by DAVE RUBIN Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report used to be a big progressive. He even had a show with The Young Turks! But now
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The Far Left Is Planning The Biggest Political Protest In United States History For Inauguration Day

  Source: End of the American Dream | By Michael Snyder   We have seen very large protests in major cities all over America since Donald Trump won the election, but the
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Seattle: City Needs To Move Away From The Idea That Families Can Live In Their Own Home On A Piece Of Land

“The draft letter says that single-family zoning has “roots in racial and class exclusion. The zoning remains “among the largest obstacles to realizing the city’s goals for equity and affordability,”
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They Want To Use ‘Hate Speech Laws’ To Destroy Freedom Of Speech In America

“But without a doubt, we do need to have a conversation about “hate speech” in the United States.  If I offend or insult you, that does not mean that I
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