CIA, CosmiQ And Amazon Team Up To Train AI To Spy On Earth From Space

  Source: |  By JASPER HAMILL Technocrats can never collect enough data to satisfy their urge for monitoring their scientific social engineering project called Earth. The CIA and military will have a
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Smaller Cities Across US Opening High-Tech Crime/Pre-Crime Centers

  Source: Technocracy WRITTEN BY: DAVE COLLINS MAY 25, 2016  TN Note: Technocracy’s demand for total monitoring is pressing down to local communities, and citizens everywhere would be well-advised to make
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They Want To Use ‘Hate Speech Laws’ To Destroy Freedom Of Speech In America

“But without a doubt, we do need to have a conversation about “hate speech” in the United States.  If I offend or insult you, that does not mean that I
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Scientists see no alternative to US bulk-collection of data

Source: Boston Globe No stance taken on merit of NSA antiterror tactic By Ken Dilanian ASSOCIATED PRESS  JANUARY 16, 2015 WASHINGTON — A committee of scientific experts has concluded that there
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How Corporate Computers Know You Better Than You Know Yourself

Sam Sacks examines Big Data and how it gathers troves of info from often unwitting consumers. But can Big Data really be trusted to know us better than we know
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Monsanto’s Terrifying New Scheme: Massive Amounts of Data Collection

Source: Disinfo For all you Monsanto watchers, here’s where the corporation we all love to hate is looking to expand its reach, via Salon via AlterNet: Imagine cows fed and milked
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