Pentagon Deploys B-52 Bombers to Europe in Message to Russia Amid Nuclear Tensions

Source: By Jason Ditz (ANTIWAR.COM) — The Pentagon has sent six nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to Europe for training exercises with European NATO member nations, in a move which officials are presenting as a “message”
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The Myth of Western Democracy

  Source: Lew Rockwell By Paul Craig Roberts How does the West get away with its pretense of being an alliance of great democracies in which government is the servant
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Jewish group in Germany condemns ‘strongly rooted’ extremism

  Source: Yahoo News   BERLIN (AP) — An attack on a kosher restaurant by masked neo-Nazis on the sidelines of an anti-migrant protest in an eastern German city shows
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source: ANTIWAR.COM (ANTIWAR.COM) — Speaking at a news conference in Berlin, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that Europe can no longer rely on the United States to impose order worldwide, and
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US pulls out of UN pledge to protect migrants as Europe struggles with refugee tide

  Source: RT Washington has repudiated a UN pledge to protect the rights of migrants regardless of their legal status. The agreement is incompatible with the country’s sovereignty and the
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Hungary’s Wall Cuts Illegal Immigration by 99%

  via: G. Edward Griffin’s Need To Know | By The Duran Hungary: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has successfully slashed illegal immigration by over 99% after constructing border fences. In 2015,there
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This Is Why Poland and Hungary Push Back Against EU Thug’s Demands To Take In Refugees

  Source: Right Alerts | By COLLEEN CONLEY      Imagine if unelected officials from Canada and Mexico demanded that the United States take in more refugees – including those from countries
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Civil Unrest Engulfing the World

  via: Lew Rockwell | By Martin Armstrong | Armstrong Economics Everywhere we turn, politicians are abusing their power relentlessly because the global economy is moving against their best plans. In Paraguay, the nation’s
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  via BLACKLISTED NEWS | By CLAIRE BERNISH First, Iceland, and now Spain has taken on the Big Bankers responsible for financial calamity, as the country’s highest national court charged the former
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White genocide Europe – The Struggle for Survival


Nurse lured to park by ‘fake cries for help’ then sexually abused by five ‘African’ men

POLICE are today hunting five men of “African appearance” who lured a nurse into a park with fake cries for help then beat her unconscious and sexually abused her. Source:
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The Cause of the Artificial Syrian Refugee Migration Crisis

Source: English News Over the past month every last single Liberal-Interventionist and Jewish-owned news outlet and website in addition to almost all political, cultural and even religious subversives have been
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The Jewish contribution to the European Integration Project

Source: I’ve recently come across an interesting document (found here) which details a conference that took place in Israel on May 7, 2013, called the “Jewish Contribution to
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Crazy Jewish Woman Sets Up All Jews For Condemnation

  Multiculturalism is on the rise … Europeans are under attack … And this woman is part of the enemy forces.

Soros: European Union in mortal danger

via: CNBC David Reid | @cnbcdavy Tuesday, 12 Apr 2016 | 8:34 AM ET  Billionaire financier George Soros has warned that the European Union is in mortal danger of collapse if
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Now even Merkel admits European refugee crisis is ‘out of control’: Thousands take to the streets of Germany shouting ‘take your Muslims with you’ after mob sex attacks

Daily Mail | KEILIGH BAKER FOR MAILONLINE | PUBLISHED: 19:53 EST, 11 January 2016 | UPDATED: 06:21 EST, 12 January 2016    German Chancellor admitted Europe is ‘vulnerable’ and said countries do not have
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Trump scorches Islamic rape jihad on women

WND | 2 days ago ‘Disaster’ as Muslim refugees run amok in new host country Islamic migrants are waging a real jihad on women in Europe – and it appears government
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Jews will play a leading role in multicultural Europe says Jewish researcher

Jewish researcher, Barbara Lerner Spectre, admits anti-Semitism will rise in Europe as multiculturalism is pushed … by the Jews.

How to End the Refugee Flood

ERIC MARGOLIS | via: The Unz Review | SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 Remember when America erupted in fury over France’s refusal to support the US invasion of Iraq in 2003? President Jacques Chirac and
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Paul Craig Roberts On Russian Bombings In Syria – Putin Sent A Decisive Message To The West

King World News With people around the world worried about the escalating war in Syria, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, told King World News that with four straight days
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