Left-Wing Media Defend MS-13 Gangs: ‘American Problem,’ Hurting Other Immigrants

source: www.breitbart.com by Penny Starr Left-wing media outlets Vox and ProPublica are defending the MS-13 gang with the release of a video and links to its reporting on the L.A.-based El
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Kathy Griffin Goes After Melania – F*** You Melania, You Feckless Piece Of S***’

  Source: Clash Daily | By Doug Giles   She’s back and as vile as ever. Actually, much to our dismay, Kathy Griffin never really left. She apparently hasn’t learned anything after her
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‘Soros Plan’: Hungary Slams EU ‘Institutionalisation of Mass Migration’ with New Asylum Rules

  Source: Breitbart | VICTORIA FRIEDMAN Prime minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán blasted the European Parliament for adopting changes to the bloc’s asylum system which the Hungarian government sees as the implementation of
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Now even Merkel admits European refugee crisis is ‘out of control’: Thousands take to the streets of Germany shouting ‘take your Muslims with you’ after mob sex attacks

Daily Mail | KEILIGH BAKER FOR MAILONLINE | PUBLISHED: 19:53 EST, 11 January 2016 | UPDATED: 06:21 EST, 12 January 2016    German Chancellor admitted Europe is ‘vulnerable’ and said countries do not have
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Trump scorches Islamic rape jihad on women

WND | 2 days ago ‘Disaster’ as Muslim refugees run amok in new host country Islamic migrants are waging a real jihad on women in Europe – and it appears government
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  By Cliff Kincaid September 26, 2015 NewsWithViews.com Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is ecstatic over the pope’s address to Congress. In a message to his supporters, titled, “Why we must
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Immigrant Population Hits Record 42.1 Million in Second Quarter of 2015

“Given the significant cutbacks in enforcement in recent years, the permissive nature of the legal immigration system, and improvements in the economy, it is not surprising that the immigrant (legal
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Tempers Flare As Huntington Park Appoints Undocumented Immigrants To City Commissions

HUNTINGTON PARK (CBSLA.com) — Huntington Park is making history and not everyone is happy about it. Councilman Jhonny Pineda announced at Monday night’s city council meeting the appointment of two undocumented
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17 Facts That Prove That The Quality Of Jobs In America Is Going Down The Drain

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Do you wish that you had a better job?  If so, you are not alone.  In fact, there are millions upon millions of Americans
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