Putin Takes Bold Step Against Biotech Giant Monsanto

Russia’s Vladimir Putin is taking a bold step against biotech giant Monsanto and genetically modified seeds at large. In a new address to the Russian Parliament Thursday, Putin proudly outlined his
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Western Leaders May Huff and Puff, but Putin’s Not Going to Give Up Assad

Source: sputniknews.com Commenting on the evolving situation in the Syrian conflict, Die Welt suggests that the main conclusion Western leaders should reach from recent developments is that Russian President Vladimir Putin
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  By Cliff Kincaid September 26, 2015 NewsWithViews.com Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is ecstatic over the pope’s address to Congress. In a message to his supporters, titled, “Why we must
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Russia and China March Together and Eye a Common Adversary — the U.S.

Artyom Lukin, www.huffingtonpost.com/ VLADIVOSTOK, Russia — On Sept. 3 China marked the 70th anniversary of Japan’s defeat in World War II with a grand parade on Tiananmen Square in Beijing. As
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On Dominoes, WMDs And Putin’s “Aggression”: Imperial Washington Is Intoxicated By Another Big Lie

Source: David Stockmans Contra Corner Imperial Washington is truly running amuck in its insensible confrontation with Vladimir Putin. The pending round of new sanctions is a counter-productive joke. Apparently, more of Vlad’s
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Russia, China moving towards strategic energy alliance – President Putin

Source: Voice of Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin said he believes the contract for the supply of gas to China will enable Russia to diversify its pipeline routes and will
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Dark Future For The Ukraine

Gerald Celente reveals his forecast for Ukraine – The Ukraine is in a state of confusion, as fighting continues in eastern parts of the European nation. Since the invasion of
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Our People Massacre Civilians in Odessa, and Politico Blames Putin

Source: Washingtons Blog Why are Americans puzzled that foreigners consider the U.S. to be the nation that’s the biggest threat to world peace? Consider how we are being lied to by
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Putin fields question from U.S. fugitive Snowden

Source: Reuters Edward Snowden, the fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor who leaked details of U.S. intelligence eavesdropping, asked Russian President Vladimir Putin a question on Thursday during a televised
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Putin inspires terror in New World Order: Dr. Barrett

Source: Press TV Russian President Vladimir Putin is standing up against West’s aggression aimed at completely destroying traditional nations and values and creating a New World Order global dictatorship, an
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Ukraine and Yugoslavia

Source: Counter Punch “I sometimes get the feeling that somewhere across that huge puddle, in America, people sit in a lab and conduct experiments, as if with rats, without actually
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Putin Speaks

Source: Paul Craig Roberts You can read an English translation of Vladimir Putin’s March 4 press conference here: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article37889.htm Americans have not experienced political leadership or an independent media for
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Putin Doesn’t Threaten Our National Security, Obama Does

Source: American Thinker Vladimir Putin isn’t the Easter Bunny. On the other hand, he isn’t Joseph Stalin. It takes a truly fevered imagination to see Russian forces in the Crimea
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Ukraine crisis: Putin asks Russian parliament’s permission for military intervention in Crimea

Source: Independent The Ukrainian army are on “high alert” in Crimea after Russia allegedly moved 6,000 troops into the border region, taking control of airports and roads. Ukraine’s Defence Minister,
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