Putin declares NATO ‘threat’ to Russian security

PressTV | Fri Jan 1, 2016 6:23AM Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a new defense strategy document that declares the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) a threat to Russia’s national
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Vladimir Putin ‘in bed with a bad cold watching Crimea documentary’

Source: The Telegraph By Howard Amos, Moscow 3:20PM GMT 15 Mar 2015 Russian TV channel scotches rumours of a Kremlin coup with report Mr Putin is at rural retreat recovering
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Putin explained why he decided to return Crimea to Russia

Source: TASS Russia March 10, 3:36 UTC+3 According to him, he could not throw people living there under ‘steamroller of nationalists’ Vladimir Putin © Alexei Druzhinin/Russian presidential press service/TASS MOSCOW, March
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Dark Future For The Ukraine

Gerald Celente reveals his forecast for Ukraine – The Ukraine is in a state of confusion, as fighting continues in eastern parts of the European nation. Since the invasion of
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It’s not Russia that’s pushed Ukraine to the brink of war

Source: The Guardian The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country’s east, John Kerry
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Punitive Isolation Will Do to Russia What Versailles Treaty Did to Germany

Source: Huffington Post Sometimes, I ask myself whether it is possible to be right, though it means dismissing everybody else’s opinion. Or, must one surrender to the idea that unanimity
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Putin Speaks

Source: Freedom 4um On April 17, Putin held his annual televised Q & A session. He did it with ordinary Russians nationwide. He did it for the 12th time. Doing
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US pushing for war over Ukraine

Source: Press TV The United States is pushing for a war over the crisis in Ukraine in a bid to cover up its failure to achieve the desired results against Russia
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CIA behind Ukraine crisis, ousted Yanukovych says

Source: Press TV Ukrainian deposed President Viktor Yanukovych says the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is provoking bloodshed in the country by sanctioning the use of weapons against pro-Russia protesters.
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World War III Is Imminent

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network A very clear picture is emerging over the crisis in Ukraine. Each side has taken on definitive moves in order to bring its military
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NATO suspends civilian and military cooperation with Russia

Source: RT NATO has announced that it is suspending all military and civilian cooperation with Russia over the Ukrainian crisis, the bloc said in a joint statement. “We have decided
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How Vladimir Putin became evil

Source: The Guardian Once again, it seems that Russia and the United States are finding it difficult to agree on how to deal with their respective ambitions. This clash of interests
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Western Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun

Source: Paul Craig Roberts It is now apparent that the “Maiden protests” in Kiev were in actuality a Washington organized coup against the elected democratic government. The purpose of the
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Why World War III Will Begin In Syria

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network It is possible to make a reasonable prediction about where World War III will break out based upon historical Russian military strategy. Putin is
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Putin, Xi Jinping and Obama Are Tightening the Noose Around America’s Neck

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Two-thirds of the American Death Alliance are pictured here. Who is missing? Every journalist, if they write long enough, will experience the “I told
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Obama Cannot Be Allowed to Profit In America’s Demise

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network And Obama is just getting warmed up. How’s that Obama phone working for the Hope and Change crowd? He must be impeached! Many Americans
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Putin Could Win World War III Without Firing a Shot

By Dave Hodges Republic Broadcasting Network Putin may win WW III without firing a shot. Putin is poised to run through Ukraine like a hot knife through butter. Short of
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Was the Crimean Secession Vote ‘Legitimate’?

Source: Anti War The Crimean plebiscite resulting in a vote of over 95 percent in favor of union with the Russian Federation has been roundly denounced by Western governments as
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Russia Laughs at Obama’s Sanctions

Source: Conservative Byte It is comedy hour on the world stage as Russia enjoys our joke of a President. Check it out: Russia’s deputy prime minister laughed off President Obama’s
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Obama’s Former Foreign Policy Adviser Said – In 1997 – that the U.S. Had to Gain Control of Ukraine

Source: Washingtons Blog The Battle for Ukraine Was Planned in 1997 … Or Earlier Neoconservatives planned regime change throughout the Middle East and North Africa 20 years ago. Robert Parry
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