The Ever-Growing List of ADMITTED False Flag Attacks

Painting by Anthony Freda Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False Flag Terror In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack
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This Is Why Poland and Hungary Push Back Against EU Thug’s Demands To Take In Refugees

  Source: Right Alerts | By COLLEEN CONLEY      Imagine if unelected officials from Canada and Mexico demanded that the United States take in more refugees – including those from countries
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Poland Abandons Pledge to Shelter Refugees After Brussels Blasts

Bloomberg Business | Marek Strzelecki | March 23, 2016 — 10:40 AM CDT Poland abandoned a pledge to shelter migrants under a European Union relocation agreement, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said, shifting her country’s
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Putin declares NATO ‘threat’ to Russian security

PressTV | Fri Jan 1, 2016 6:23AM Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a new defense strategy document that declares the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) a threat to Russia’s national
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Investment Watch Blog Don’t even think about pulling the kind crap you are allowed to get away with in Western Europe. We are not England, not France, not Sweden. In
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Poland tightens border

Castanet | Canadian Press Photo: The Canadian Press. All rights reserved. Stranded migrants protest at the northern Greek border station of Idomeni on Monday. A Polish official says that the country
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Tens of Thousands of Europeans Rally to Defend Their Homeland from Invasion

Renegade Tribune | Kyle Hunt | September 13, 2015 Europe continues to be inundated by a flood of hostile invaders. Instead of protecting the indigenous people of Europe, elected officials in the
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Polish PM candidate vows no euro, more economic justice

“The ruling Civic Platform has overseen strong economic growth during its eight years at the helm, but many Poles are frustrated that the new wealth isn’t being distributed more evenly.”
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