Syrian boy explains refugee crisis perfectly: ‘Just stop the war — and we don’t want to go to Europe’ | Travis Gettys A photo showing the tiny, lifeless body of a drowned Syrian refugee washed up on a Turkish beach has revealed the human tragedy unfolding along
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Monsanto Kicked Out Of Greece And Latvia: GM Bans Sweep Through Europe Christina Sarich First Scotland and Germany booted GMOs from their countries, citing fear of GMO crops contaminating their food supplies and concern over putting their food and beverage industries in
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Global Banking System on the Verge of Total Collapse

As the axiom goes, “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.” And since our politicians, bankers and citizens have ignored the horrifying events of just 6 years ago,
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How Information Will Destroy Crony Capitalism

“The first major shift is marked by a reduced need for work made glaringly obvious by the rise of automation. It’s not yet fully understood how our society will adjust
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The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement — Paul Craig Roberts

“Despite its gigantic hubris, Washington has figured out that the US cannot simultaneously take on Russia, China, Iran, and the Islamic State. This realization is one reason for the nuclear
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All Hail Our Banking Overlords!

“If you had asked me ten years ago if there was any chance of Greece becoming a failed state within a decade, I would have said ‘No, no chance.’  But
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Ex-IMF Chief: Germany Should Leave The Euro, Not Greece

“The deal Greece reached with its creditors — if it lasts – pursues the same economic strategy that has failed repeatedly to heal the country. Greeks will get more of
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The ‘Greek Debt Deal’ Is Already Starting To Fall Apart

“The study, seen by Reuters, said European countries would have to give Greece a 30-year grace period on servicing all its European debt, including new loans, and a dramatic maturity
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Is the Dollar Signaling Another 2008-Type Autumn is Coming?

“Remember, stocks are the “dumb” money. The currency markets are ALWAYS ahead of them. So the US Dollar’s strength is indicative that “all is not fixed” in Euroland.” Source: Zero
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By the numbers: The world comes to Greece’s rescue through crowdfunding for the price of a feta salad

“As Thom Feeney explains on the campaign page, if every EU resident donates just €3 – or the price of a pint of ale – Greece can pay back its
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Still Report #384 – My Greece Solution

“Thereafter, here’s my solution in a nutshell: If you outlaw national debt – national borrowing – governments can NOT overspend. It’s self-imposed austerity.”   Source: YouTube Bill Still Published on
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Greece Rejects Further Austerity Measures

“Soon after the announcement of the referendum results, I was made aware of a certain preference by some Eurogroup participants, and assorted ‘partners’, for my… ‘absence’ from its meetings,” Varoufakis
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How Greece Has Fallen Victim To “Economic Hit Men”

“Greece is being ‘hit’, there’s no doubt about it,” exclaims John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, noting that “[Indebted countries] become servants to what I call
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Plans for Destroying Greece Stall

“The FT said they require an entire pension plan makeover to get bailout funding – a major red line Tsipras already crossed but not far enough for Troika bandits. […]
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Greece, creditors dig in after debt talks founder

“Exasperated by what it sees as Greek distortion of the creditors’ proposals, the European Commission made public for the first time comprehensive details of the plan, denying that the lenders
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Europe Fractures: France “Prepared To Support Greece” In Debt Renegotiations

_ Source: Zero Hedge Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/01/2015 16:10 -0500 Despite Angela Merkel’s insistence on numerous occasions this past week that there will be “no debt renegotiations,” it
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Home ownership in Greece ‘a sick joke’ as property market collapses

Source: The Guardian There is constant motion on the second floor of 24 Kanari Street. At the Athens office of Remax, Greece‘s largest property company, clients come and go, agents
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Greece On The Verge? Military Special Forces Have 15 Demands… Or Else

Source: Zero Hedger Greek government authorities are on alert after a union of Greek army reservists of Special Forces issued a statement urging the Greek administration to step down and make way
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