Germany agrees to $88 million more for Holocaust survivors

  Source: Tampa Bay Times BERLIN (AP) — The organization that handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis says Germany has agreed to pay another 75
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Stockton, CA Becomes Most Populous U.S. City To File For Bankruptcy, Setting Up Pension Fight

  Source: Hot Air | MARY KATHARINE HAM So, here’s the deal. Stockton, CA ain’t got no money, and has filed for bankruptcy, like San Bernardino before it. Stockton has 300,000 residents
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    via: BLN SOURCE: CHARLES HUGH SMITH Global Plunge Protection Teams must be ordering take-out food; every night is a long one now. The current stocks/bonds game is for all
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Not Looking Good For The US Dollar, Stocks, Bonds, Pensions and Wages.

  Source: Video Rebel On the Bright side it is not looking good for the US War Machine either. Jim Rickards is a financial consultant to the CIA and Pentagon.
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CalPERS Slashes Pension Payments To Retirees In Two More California Towns By Up To 90%

  Source: Zero Hedge While we’ve yet to experience any large municipal pension failures, which is just a matter of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’, the small pension failures sprinkled across
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Record Number Of Dallas Police Officers Quit In July Amid Ongoing Pension Crisis

  Source: Zero Hedge We first introduced readers to the Dallas Police and Fire Pension (DPFP) crisis last summer in a post entitled “Dallas Cops’ Pension Fund Nears Insolvency In
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California’s fiscal watchdogs are bracing for the nation’s largest state-run pension fund to go BUST

  via: Government Slaves California’s fiscal watchdogs are bracing for the forthcoming press statements from the nation’s largest state-run pension fund, and from the public-sector unions that depend on the system
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The Ticking Time Bomb That Will Wipe Out Virtually Every Pension Fund In America

  Source: The Economic Collapse Blog Are millions of Americans about to see the big, juicy pensions that they were counting on to fund their golden years go up in
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Government employee retirement funds are NOT funded by ‘investments’: Wall Street fees are twice the income of fund contributions, taxpayers pay 95% of costs, net returns average less than 1%. Solutions are monetary reform, public banking: 22-minute video walkthrough

  via: Freedom 4um | By Washington’s Blog Among the game-changing “fake news” We the People are told by “leaders” in government and corporate media is that government employee retirement contributions
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  Source: INI World Report | By Ellen Brown IMPORTANT MUST WATCH:   A Crisis Worse than ISIS…….. Bank Bail-Ins Begin Ellen Brown   While the mainstream media focus on ISIS extremists,
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Goldman Sachs Pays $5.1Bn Fine For Cheating Investors, 2005-7

WHTT | Charles E Carlson | April 18, 2016  The Financial Times of London, in a story last Monday entitled “Goldman pays $5.1bn to settle MBS mis-selling“, tells us that “Federal officials on Monday provided fresh details
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270,000 truckers told their pensions will be cut up to 60%

Government Slaves | govtslaves| February 17, 2016 CLICK IMAGE TO VIEW VIDEO KANSAS CITY, MO  Retired union workers facing large pension cuts gathered to voice their anger at those cuts Tuesday. Representative Emanuel Cleaver conducted
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Are You Really Middle Class?

The American Conservative | By CHARLES HUGH SMITH | September 23, 2015  The standard of living taken for granted in the 1960s is now affordable to very few. U.S. National Archives/Flickr Can we define
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Obama pushing for ‘largest gun grab in American history’: NRA

The Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own disability payments — a move the NRA
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Plans for Destroying Greece Stall

“The FT said they require an entire pension plan makeover to get bailout funding – a major red line Tsipras already crossed but not far enough for Troika bandits. […]
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Greece, creditors dig in after debt talks founder

“Exasperated by what it sees as Greek distortion of the creditors’ proposals, the European Commission made public for the first time comprehensive details of the plan, denying that the lenders
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