Are You Really Middle Class?

The American Conservative | By CHARLES HUGH SMITH | September 23, 2015  The standard of living taken for granted in the 1960s is now affordable to very few. U.S. National Archives/Flickr Can we define
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A Prescription for Peace and Prosperity — Paul Craig Roberts

Source: Institute for Political Economy August 5, 2015 Paul Craig Roberts The question is often asked: “What can we do?” Here is a prescription for peace and prosperity. We will
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Fed Examines Wealth Redistribution Program; Decides It’s Not Worth It

“The figure suggests that households at the lower end of the income distribution spend more than twice what they make. At the upper end, households spend about two-thirds of what
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83% of Americans Against Obama Plan to Forcibly Diversify Neighborhoods

“It has been shown again and again that anyone in the university or government system pushing for “diversity” lives in an almost entirely White neighborhood, and so the diversity agenda
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Obama to use State of the Union to call for hundreds of billions in tax increases

Source: Washington Examiner BY JOSEPH LAWLER AND JUSTIN GREEN | JANUARY 17, 2015 | 8:28 PM    President Obama will use his state of the union address Tuesday to call
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Has The Next Recession Already Begun For America’s Middle Class?

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Has the next major economic downturn already started?  The way that you would answer that question would probably depend on where you live.  If
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The Middle Class In Canada Is Now Doing Better Than The Middle Class In America

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network For most of Canada’s existence, it has been regarded as the weak neighbor to the north by most Americans.  Well, that has changed dramatically
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How many Americans live paycheck to paycheck? A nation living precariously close to the financial edge

Source: My Budget 360 The fuel that drives our economy is spending. There are few nations that rival our ability to spend. We spend with the gusto of a shop-a-holic.
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Two More Victims Of The Retail Apocalypse: Family Dollar And Coldwater Creek

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network Did you know that Family Dollar is closing 370 stores? When I learned of this, I was quite stunned. I knew that retailers that
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Goodbye American middle class: New report reveals that 62 percent of Americans earn $20 or less per hour. Household income stuck in neutral for a generation

Source: My Budget 360 The latest figures from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) reveals that 62 percent of Americans earn $20 or less per hour.  And this only
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20 Price Increases That Are Breaking America’s Middle Class Families

Source: Wealthy Debates American families are under the gun.  Whether you are employed, unemployed, or underemployed you’re not alone, because millions of families are struggling in the U.S. With the
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9 Of The Top 10 Occupations In America Pay An Average Wage Of Less Than $35,000 A Year

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network According to stunning new numbers just released by the federal government, nine of the top ten most commonly held jobs in the United States
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Hand-to-mouth nation: Roughly 40 percent of US households living paycheck to paycheck but two thirds of these families are not considered poor by economic definitions

Source: My Budget 360 People have a hard time believing that in the wealthiest country in the world, we have close to half of our population living hand-to-mouth bouncing from
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Do Not Make Fun Of Those That Have Fallen Out Of The Middle Class – You Could Be Next

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network There are millions of American families that once lived very comfortable middle class lifestyles that have lost it all.  When you are unemployed and
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19 Signs That The U.S. Consumer Is Tapped Out

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network You can’t get blood out of a rock.  Traditionally the United States has had a consumer-driven economy, but now years of declining incomes and
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10 Stories From The Cold, Hard Streets Of America That Will Break Your Heart

By Michael Snyder Republic Broadcasting Network If the economy is really “getting better”, then why have millions upon millions of formerly middle class Americans been pushed to the point of
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