Disastrous 1996 Telecommunications Act

By Stephen Lendman The 1996 Telecommunications Act, during the Bill and Hillary Clinton co-presidency, deregulated all communication industries – paving the way for greater consolidation, less competition, less concern about
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A Prescription for Peace and Prosperity — Paul Craig Roberts

Source: Institute for Political Economy August 5, 2015 Paul Craig Roberts The question is often asked: “What can we do?” Here is a prescription for peace and prosperity. We will
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How Information Will Destroy Crony Capitalism

“The first major shift is marked by a reduced need for work made glaringly obvious by the rise of automation. It’s not yet fully understood how our society will adjust
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Where the crazies come from: The secret link between the Nazis, Soviets and Saudis

Source: Brasscheck TV US bankers backed these gangsters in order to get monopolies  If you want to understand the 20th and 21st century, you need to know this story. But
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